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  Also by Kristine Cayne

  Six-Alarm Sexy Series

  Aftershocks (Prequel)

  Under His Command (Book One)

  Everything Bared (Book Two)

  Handle with Care (In-between Novella) – coming 2014

  Lover on Top (Book Three) – coming 2015

  Six-Alarm Sexy, Volume One

  (ebook and print, Aftershocks and Under His Command)

  Deadly Vices Series

  Deadly Obsession (Book One)

  Deadly Addiction (Book Two)

  Deadly Betrayal (Book Three)

  Other Works

  Origins: The Men of MER in Shadows in the Mist

  Guns ‘N’ Tulips

  Un-Valentine’s Day

  Kristine Cayne Proudly Presents


  Book two of the Six-Alarm Sexy series

  Available Now

  Two polar opposites—she’s kinky, he’s uptight—discover they share a taboo desire that may destroy both their futures.

  Firefighter Dani Harris has always wanted a family, but doesn’t think it’s possible because of her demanding, high-stakes career. Her sex life is as high-adrenaline as her job, and that’s just one more thing that makes her unsuitable to be a wife and mother. Her secret kink—exhibitionism—has gotten in the way of more than one relationship. Will she ever find a man who not only shares her wild fantasies, but loves her for them?

  Burdened with ensuring the success of the struggling family business, William Caldwell IV needs a wife suited for a CEO—one with money and connections, who can manage his busy social life and raise their 2.5 children. He’s got everything all mapped out, but when he meets Dani, a woman who’s every kind of wrong, she taps into desires he’s only half-recognized and long-suppressed. Suddenly his carefully crafted five-year plan feels as confining as a straightjacket.

  As Dani and Will’s sexual experimentation escalates, they test the limits of polite society by baring all and risking exposure—an exposure that could cost them their reputations and careers.

  Continue Reading for an Excerpt from Everything Bared

  A spotlight snapped on, bathing her in a harsh white light. Perched on a low wooden chair, she took in the small round platform beneath it, and the dozen shuttered openings surrounding her. Each was no more than a couple square feet in size and close enough for her to touch if she stretched out her arm. A pulsing beat filled the space and her body.

  A man’s low, smooth voice broke in. “Begin.”

  Begin what? Where was she? That’s when she noticed her clothes. Or rather her lack of them. A black corset laced up her abdomen and tied between her breasts, and sheer boy shorts barely hid her important bits. Garters tied to the corset held up silky thigh-highs. All things considered, it was a pretty sexy get-up, though far more modest than what she usually wore when she went to her favorite fetish parties. Is that where she was now? At a sex club?

  When the platform began to rotate, she shifted and her foot hit something on the floor. Beside the chair was a basket full of toys. Sex toys.

  One of the shuttered windows slowly slid open. In the near darkness, she could make out the broad-shouldered shape of a man.

  Not toys. Props.

  This was a peepshow. And she was the star attraction.

  Her nails dug into her thighs as she tried to figure out if she was awake or asleep. Was she dreaming? If so, her subconscious was a right bitch to play with her fantasies like this.

  The music cut out again. “Is there a problem, princess?”

  That voice. It sounded so familiar, but not. She swallowed and shook her head. Since she was here, she might as well enjoy herself.

  The platform had gone a full circle and she was once again facing the open square. With her eyes on the shape within, she raised one leg, pointing her toes in the ridiculously high heels, before sweeping her leg to the side and giving the man—customer?—an unobstructed view of her lace-covered pussy. The stranger’s eyes on her sent heat between her legs, and the delicious sensations had her gritting her teeth to hold back her moans.

  The shutter of a window behind her slid up. She brought her foot to the floor and leaned back to smile at the newcomer. Make that newcomers. Based on the outlines she could see, there were at least two people in that booth. Hopefully, they’d enjoyed the flash of cleavage she’d given them.

  The man’s voice filled the small room yet again. “Start stripping. We want to see more of you.” This time the smoothness of his tone was gone, replaced with something rougher. Lust.

  Her belly clenched with excitement and arousal. She looked around, then up. Where was he? He had to be watching her, but from where? A booth? If he was, he’d better grab his hat—or better yet, his cock—because she planned on giving him the show of a lifetime.

  About the Author

  Award-winning author Kristine Cayne is fascinated by the mysteries of human psychology—twisted secrets, deep-seated beliefs, out-of-control desires. Add in high-stakes scenarios and real-world villains, and you have a story worth writing, and reading.

  Kristine’s heroes and heroines are pitted against each other by their radically opposing life experiences. By overcoming their differences and finding common ground, they triumph over their enemies and find true happiness in each other’s arms.

  Today she lives in the Pacific Northwest, thriving on the mix of cultures, languages, religions and ideologies. When she’s not writing, she’s people-watching, imagining entire life stories, and inventing all sorts of danger for the unsuspecting heroes and heroines who cross her path.

  To learn more about Kristine and her stories, visit her website

  The Rock Star And The Girl From The Coffee Shop

  Terry Towers

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  Chapter One

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but it’s way too slow tonight.” Hanna opened up the drive-thru window of the coffee shop and poked her head out. The warmth of the summer air caressed her face, giving her a break from the overwhelming smell of coffee and donuts.

  “How much do we have in the tip jar?” Hanna’s co-worker for the overnight shift and closest friend Jackie asked, coming around the counter and into the drive-thru section of the coffee shop.

  Pulling her head in from the window, Hanna grabbed the coffee cup beside the register and emptied the contents onto the counter. She quickly thumbed through the change and frowned. “Ten bucks to split.”

  Jackie didn’t seem thrilled; a look of disappointment lurked on her face. “Shit! I need gas money. We usually have at least thirty by now,” she whined.

  Hanna’s frown deepened. She wished she were in a position to tell Jackie she could have her share, but sadly, Hanna’s financial situation was equally as dire. She was thankful they were allowed to eat what they wanted while working, because her kitchen cupboards were bare with the exception of some cup-o-soups, her refrigerator was stocked with only water and her bank account was currently at a negative balance. The worst part of it all was, payday was still three days away.

  Jackie grabbed a cup and poured herself some coffee, adding an obscene amount of sugar. “You know Hanna babe… We really need to find ourselves a couple of rich men.”

  Hanna laughed at the idea, then grabbed a chocolate glazed donut f
rom the rack and took a bite. “And where are we going to find one of those?”

  “Hey, Jessie got together with Senator Morrow,” Jackie reminded her with a hint of envy in her tone.

  “Hmmm. I suppose.” Being one of the newest girls working at the coffee shop, Hanna had never met Jessie, but the girls talked of her from time to time – mostly with envious tones.

  “And I heard that one of the girls at the Portland coffee shop met a billionaire!”

  Hanna rolled her eyes. “Shit, that doesn’t happen to girls like us, Jackie. One in a million, and I think Jessie was this coffee shop’s one in a million when she met Senator Morrow.”

  Jackie huffed. “Kill a girl’s dreams, why don’t ya? I –” She froze as her dark eyes widened. “Hey, look at that!”

  “What?” Leaving her station at the drive-thru window, Hanna walked over to the front counter and peered out of the front pane glass window. Her eyes immediately caught what Jackie was seeing. Turning into the parking lot was a white stretch SUV.

  Jackie nudged Hanna in the ribs with her elbow and grinned. “Hey, maybe those are our knights in shining armour, right there.”

  “Pfft. More like a group of high school students on their way somewhere after prom. It is prom season you know.”

  The stretch SUV slowly drove past the front window towards the drive-thru.

  “He’s not going to try and go through the drive-thru?” Hanna’s brow furrowed as she raced around the front counter to watch the limo turn the corner of the building towards the speaker. “He’s going to get stuck. There’s no way that’ll fit.”

  Jackie joined Hanna at the front window. “You sure?”


  “Should we go out and stop them?” Just as the words left Jackie’s mouth a nasty grinding sound echoed throughout the still, silent night.

  “Awwwww, shit.” Hanna fought to keep from snickering, but failed. Looking over at Jackie, Hanna’s snickering turned to laughter at the look of amusement mixed with astonishment that was present on her face.

  “Who in the hell is stupid enough to try to drive that long-assed limo through those tight corners of the drive-thru?”

  “Apparently, them.”

  Jackie joined in Hanna’s laughter.

  Their laughter subsided at the sound of car doors opening and heated chatter.

  “Shit, get behind the counter!” Hanna spun around and rushed across the dining room of the coffee shop to take her place behind the counter, with Jackie following in her hastened steps. “Whatever you do, don’t laugh! Pretend we have no idea what’s going on.”

  “Shhhh. They’re coming!”

  “Why in the name of God did you hire someone so incompetent?” a male voice growled seconds before the owner of the voice appeared at the front entrance, followed by a number of other people.

  “Holy shit, is that –” Jackie whispered.

  Hanna nodded, too shocked to respond verbally. The man entering the coffee shop was none other than rock sensation Bo Savage. His eyes were downcast as he listened to the person on the other end of the phone, and strolled across the dining room towards the front counter.

  “Yeah, well. I’m tired and stranded at a coffee shop in the middle of butt fuck nowhere, because that idiot driving the car apparently doesn’t know how to drive.” He stopped suddenly halfway between the door and front counter, his entourage nearly bumping into him.

  “Fine.” He growled with even more hostility, pressed the END button on his phone and stuffed it into the front pocket of his jeans.

  Bo turned back to the group of five following him and motioned towards the dining room tables. “Go sit down. They’re sending a car for us. I’ll grab some coffee.”

  “Fuck,” he grumbled under his breath as he made it the rest of the way to the counter and looked up, eyeing the overhead menu.

  As Bo studied the menu, Hanna studied him. She’d never been this close to a celebrity before. In all honesty, Hanna never really followed his work; however she was still star-struck. His dark hair was just a little too long, giving him a bad boy look. She guessed he was perhaps an inch shy of six foot, his body lean, but muscle defined under his tight-fitting white t-shirt.

  After carefully scrutinizing the menu for a few minutes, Bo dropped his smoky grey eyes to meet hers and flashed a smile at her that made her weak in the knees. Should she pretend she didn’t know who he was? Should she ask for an autograph? She chewed at her lower lip, keeping her eyes locked to his as she considered.

  “Oh my God! You’re Bo Savage!” Jackie squealed beside her, like a lovestruck teenager, making Hanna wince from her high-pitched tone.

  Well, that problem just got solved, Hanna mused.

  Bo glanced over at Jackie, who was standing at her side. “That would be me.” He turned his attention back to Hanna. “I apologize, but my driver appears to have gotten the car stuck in the drive-thru. I hope it won’t be an issue until we get the car dislodged.”

  “I… Ummm… I…” Ahhh shit! she groaned inwardly.

  Get it together Ambrose, you sound like a babbling idiot. He’s a person, just like you, a voice in the back of her mind chided. Yeah, a person who has millions of fans and is sexy as sin, she argued back.

  “No worries, Bo. It’s not busy at all tonight,” Jackie chimed in, making Hanna feel even more foolish for being tongue-tied.

  “I wish we could have attended your concert tonight, but we were stuck working.” Jackie flashed him her best pouty look.

  Hanna glanced over at Jackie and raised a curious brow. It was news to her.

  “Awwww. That’s unfortunate.” He gave her a sympathetic smile, but his eyes said he seriously doubted there was truth in Jackie’s statement.

  “Yeah.” Her lower lip became even more pouty as she nodded her agreement on how unfortunate it was.

  Hanna had to fight from rolling her eyes at the show Jackie was putting on.

  “So, what can I help you with?” Hanna cut in, finally finding her voice and courage.

  “Well, you can start with six large coffees… And how are the biscuits?”

  “Hard and about to be thrown out,” Hanna admitted.

  He chuckled and leaned over the counter, bracing himself on his elbows. “Well… then what do you have that would be good this time of night?”

  Hanna clucked her tongue off the roof of her mouth and remembered the bagels that were less than a minute from being ready to be pulled from the oven. “What about a bagel?”

  “Hmmmm.” His eyes twinkled with amusement as he pretended to consider. “Alright.” His eyes darted back to Jackie’s chest, to her nametag. “If Jackie here would be kind enough to prepare the coffees, could you –” His eyes lowered to Hanna’s chest and she felt a heat rush down her spine to ignite the throbbing between her legs. “-Hanna, take care of my bagels?”

  He turned towards the group sitting at a table in the dining room. “Hey, Jeremy.”

  A man slightly younger than Bo, bearing a striking resemblance to him, stopped talking to the woman beside him and turned to face Bo. “Yeah.”

  He nodded towards Jackie. “Come on over here and tell Jackie what we want in our coffee so I can order the bagels.”

  Jeremy hesitated, glanced over at the girl next to him, and then nodded. “Yeah, sure.” Getting up, he made his way over to the front counter.

  A ding from the oven signalled the bagels were finished. “There we go. Just give me a minute to get them.”

  Hanna was painfully aware of Bo’s eyes on her as she turned her back to him and made her way to the oven. She put an extra sway to her hips, for his benefit. The uniforms were a hideous shade of brown and uglier than sin, but the pants to the uniform had one small perk to them: they made virtually any girl’s ass look amazing.

  Like you’d ever have a shot with him, the voice in her head chimed in.

  Grabbing an oven mitt, she turned off the oven, stepped back and pulled the door open. A gust of heat emerged from
the oven, along with the delicious aroma of freshly baked bagels. Grabbing a pan of plain, she closed the oven door and brought the heavy pan of two dozen bagels over to the food preparation station.

  Bo was already at the station, leaning over the glass showcase, his arms crossed over it and chin sitting atop his crossed arms.

  “What kind of cream cheese?” Hanna asked as she proceeded to slice the bagels in half, trying to ignore the feelings of excitement rushing through her as he watched her every movement.

  “Put herb and garlic on all of them.”

  Hanna nodded, uncovering the herb and garlic cream cheese. Grabbing a spreader she scooped up a glob of cream cheese and was embarrassed to see her hand was shaking ever so slightly. She prayed he wouldn’t notice.

  “So tell me.”

  Hanna lifted her eyes to meet his and waited.

  He motioned for her to come closer. She hesitated a bit before slowly doing what he had requested, her face barely more than a foot from his. The smell of his aftershave drifted to her nose, deep and woodsy, urging her to get closer. She denied her impulse to close the distance between them.

  “What?” Her nervousness increased.

  “Were you really planning on going to the concert tonight?”

  She could feel her face grow warm as she lowered her gaze. She was easily the worst liar she knew. Tonight was no exception.

  “Nah. Didn’t think so.”

  “No… No. No.” She shook her head and raised her eyes to his. “I like your music. I mean, it’s good. It’s…” She groaned silently, as she wished for the floor to open up and swallow her whole. She focused on preparing the bagels, terrified that if she opened her mouth to say anything else she would further embarrass herself.

  “So if you had tickets, would you give me a shot?”