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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9) Page 19

  The sounds of a party in the backyard and Chloe’s delighted squeals reached them. Jamie threw his arm around Rickie’s shoulders and they entered the yard through a side gate. As soon as they came into view of the patio, everyone stopped talking and stared at them, open-mouthed. His grip on Rickie tightened as he considered spinning her around and taking her back to the car. She glanced up at him, her eyes wide with worry. Shit. Had he been wrong? Was his family planning to give Rickie a hard time?

  Just as he was about to tell her they were leaving, everyone started talking at once and welcoming them back. His mother rushed forward and pulled Rickie into a huge hug. She whispered something into Rickie’s ears that made her blush and hold his mother tightly. When the women broke apart, both had tears in their eyes.

  His mother let go of Rickie and launched herself into his arms. “Oh, Jamie. It’s so good to have you home. You both look so rested and happy. You are happy, aren’t you?”

  He squeezed her gently. “We are, Mom. Believe it or not, your Yoda advice really helped.”

  As he let his mother go, his father released Rickie. Tears ran down her face and his father’s eyes were suspiciously shiny. Pulling Jamie against his chest, he clapped him on the back. “Erica’s a damn fine lady, son. You’ve done us all proud.”

  Jamie’s chest tightened. He finally understood how much his parents had rooted for the success of his marriage. They’d never bad-talked Rickie and her decisions, as though knowing that with time, he and Rickie would find their way. He was humbled to realize they’d had more faith in his marriage than he’d had.

  “My turn, my turn!” Chloe shouted from her perch on Chad’s shoulders.

  Mindful of her leg, Chad swung her into Jamie’s arms. “Welcome back, bro!”

  When Chad went to greet Rickie, Chloe wrapped her small arms around Jamie’s neck and buried her face against his throat. “I missed you, Daddy.”

  His heart filled to bursting at the tears in her voice. “I missed you too, sweetheart. So very much.” He could barely breathe as she squeezed him. He’d lost a year of her growing up, and he’d do anything to make it up to his little girl.

  Chloe lifted her head and, gripping his chin with her pudgy fingers, kissed his cheeks. “You won’t go away again, will you?”

  It tore him apart that she needed constant reassurance that he was back for good. But he’d repeat it to her every night until she was once again the confident girl she’d been. “Nope, you’re stuck with me. And the next time we go on a trip, we’re all going together.”

  As if he’d triggered a thought, she twisted around, searching. “Mommy?”

  Rickie stepped closer, hugging them both. “Right here, sweetie.”

  Chloe’s eyes went from Jamie’s to Rickie, then to Rickie’s arm around his waist. She pursed her lips, her blue eyes cloudy with uncertainty. “So you and Daddy are friends again?”

  Jamie smiled and held Rickie’s gaze before turning back to his daughter. “Even better. Mommy and I are besties.”

  Chloe clapped her hands. “Yay! Let’s go back to the party now.”

  Laughing at his daughter’s bossy ways, he carried her back to the patio. Erica sat in a chair and he set Chloe on her lap. He left his girls to catch up and got a beer from the cooler.

  He’d just managed a sip when Tori jumped into his arms, knocking the bottle out of his hand. “I always knew you had it in you, big brother.”

  Since starting her master’s degree in psychology, she was constantly analyzing everyone and talking in riddles. This time, he was completely stumped. “Had it in me to do what?” he asked, setting her on her feet and picking up the now empty bottle of beer.

  “To tame the shrew, of course,” she said, her tone teasing.

  His blood beginning to simmer, he narrowed his gaze. “Don’t talk about my wife that way, Tori. What happened or didn’t happen in our marriage is our business, not yours.”

  Holding her hands up, she backed away “Hey, hey. I’m just kidding. She seems completely transformed. Check out her body language.” She jerked her head in Rickie’s direction. “She’s relaxed and laughing. Chatting with everyone. I can’t remember the last time I saw her like that. Whatever went on between the two of you in Hawaii, keep it up.”

  Dani dropped her hand on his shoulder and gave it a good squeeze. “Looks like Erica followed my advice.”

  He twisted around and grinned when she exchanged his empty bottle for a fresh one. “Your advice? When did you become Dear Abby?”

  “Oh, LJ. Didn’t you know?” She shook her head, feigning sadness. “Erica and I have become BFFs since the earthquake. We tell each other everything.”

  His face tightened and his belly flipped. How much did Dani know about the BDSM stuff? Shit. If anyone found out… Dani punched his shoulder. “Hey. Lose the boy-with-his-hand-in-the-money-jar look or you’ll have people even more curious about this sudden transformation.”

  “The boy-with-his-hand-in-the what?” Drew asked, joining them. “This I’ve got to hear.”

  “It’s nothing. Dani was just catching me up on what’s been happening at the station.” He took a long pull on his beer, hoping Drew would drop the subject.

  “How would she even know? From what Chloe’s told me, Dani’s spent most of the past week here.”

  Expecting a quick comeback, Jamie glanced at Dani and was surprised to see her flaming cheeks. When she scowled at Drew, Jamie arched a brow. She crossed her arms and scrunched her face. “What else was I supposed to do? Huh?”

  “About what?” Drew’s face reflected Jamie’s own confusion.

  Dani swallowed and shrugged. “I like playing with Barbie dolls. Sue me.”

  Jamie laughed. Sure Dani had wanted to help keep Chloe entertained. She genuinely enjoyed spending time with his little girl. But seeing the direction of her stare, he knew something—or should he say someone?—had been the driving factor for her frequent visits.

  As though sensing Dani’s eyes drilling into him, William turned away from his conversation with Rickie and Chloe. He pushed out of his chair and joined their little circle. “Welcome back, Jamie.”

  “Thanks for visiting with Chloe while we were gone. She loves seeing her uncles and her aunt.” When William’s gaze landed pointedly on Dani, Jamie added, “Especially the honorary ones.”

  William’s lip curled up and he focused on Jamie. “Erica looks good. I trust you had a good time?”

  “The best.”

  Dani reached out and yanked on his tie. “You should try it sometime, Will. It might loosen you up a bit.”

  Jamie and Drew burst out laughing. Dani didn’t even flinch when William pinned her with his eyes.

  She leaned forward, her hands on her hips. “Look at you,” she said. “Who wears a tie to a backyard barbeque?” With a last dip of her shoulders that no doubt gave William an eyeful, she spun on her heel and stalked off to join Rickie and Chloe.

  Jamie nearly choked on his drink when he saw his brother’s beet-red face. “It’s okay, William,” he said, his voice hitching with laughter. “You can wear whatever you want.”

  “I may wear too much, but she doesn’t wear enough,” he said. “If she was mine, I wouldn’t let her out of the house like that.” His jaw was so tight, Jamie could practically hear his molars grinding together.

  William was pissed, that much was clear. But was it because Dani had joked about his clothes or that she’d flashed him? She was an attractive woman. Most men wouldn’t have minded. But William wasn’t most men. He had an almost Victorian sense of propriety. “She looks fully dressed to me,” Jamie said with a smirk.

  His brother leaned in close so Drew, who’d watched the exchange with interest, wouldn’t hear. “Danielle isn’t wearing a… a bra. Do you think she realizes—” He snapped his mouth closed and shoved his hands into the pockets of his pressed slacks.

  “That you saw everything?” Jamie clasped his hand around William’s nape and squeezed enough to throw him o
ff-balance. “Dani always knows exactly what she’s doing.”

  Dinner was announced, saving him from having to deal with his morally shocked brother. What would William think if he knew the truth about Jamie’s more exotic sexual tastes? William would probably disown him.

  Catching Rickie’s eye, Jamie made his way over to her and Chloe. “How’s my little princess?” he asked, fluffing her hair.

  “I’m not a princess anymore, Daddy.”

  “You’re not?” He handed his beer to Rickie, then lifted Chloe off the chair, careful to support her broken leg, and sat with her on his lap.

  “No. I’m the president. I get to tell everyone what to do.”

  Rickie’s eyes sparkled and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth. He’d get no help from her. Minx.

  “Even me?” he asked, struggling to keep a straight face.

  “Yes. You and Mommy are my subjects.”

  Turning to his wife, he shook his head and lost himself in her dancing eyes. Tori was right. Rickie had never looked so happy, so at ease. When Chloe cupped his cheeks and brought his attention back to her, he arched a brow. “And what would you have me do, Miss President?”

  “Kiss Mommy.”

  “With pleasure.” With his daughter’s giggles in his ears, he leaned sideways and pressed his lips to Rickie’s in a light teasing touch that left him wanting more. As much as he was enjoying this reunion with his family, he couldn’t wait to get home.

  Before his lips left Rickie’s, he felt Chloe being lifted off his lap. He ended the kiss and spotted his father carrying her to the food table. Tori came over and handed him and Rickie plates filled to overflowing with a hamburger and all the fixings, chips, and vegetables.

  They ate quietly, watching their daughter interact with the others. Rickie laid her hand on his thigh, her lips curved gently. “She’s got everyone wrapped around her little finger.”

  He chuckled and rested his hand on hers. “Miss President really isn’t too much of a stretch.” Seeing that Rickie was done eating, he took her plate and set it with his on an empty chair. He stood and pulled her to her feet. “Let’s shake out our legs a bit.” They walked to the back of the yard where his father grew some apple trees. Although it was still early in the season, it appeared they’d have quite a harvest.

  Slipping his arm around Rickie’s waist, he nuzzled her neck. “How are you handling all of this?” The last thing he wanted was for her to be overwhelmed and fall back into old patterns. It mattered to him how she felt and he’d make sure she knew.

  “I’ve never been happier,” she said, her voice filled with such truth and honesty he could do nothing other than believe her. “Your family is wonderful and they all love Chloe so much.”

  “This is your family too.”

  “Thank you for this, Jamie. For everything.” Tilting her head back, she kissed him, sliding the tip of her tongue over his lips. After a moment, she faced the patio and leaned back against his chest. He clasped his hands over her stomach and breathed in the scent of her shampoo. It reminded him of Hawaii. They stood that way, swaying with the music in the dark, content to be together.

  Shifting, she looked at him over her shoulder, swallowing and licking her lips as though gearing up to say something important.

  He tightened his hold on her. “What is it, Rickie?”

  “Okay. Um… How can we continue this… exploration thing we started, at home?”

  Every muscle, every tendon inside him tensed. His throat tasted like he’d swallowed ashes and his heart raced. Shit. Things had been going too well. “You don’t want to?”

  Erica spun around and cupped Jamie’s face the way Chloe had earlier. “Yes! Yes, I do.” His breath left him in a long shuddery exhale. He pressed his forehead against hers seeming locked in a battle for control. Rubbing his back, she murmured, “I’m sorry. I never meant to alarm you.”

  “It’s not your fault. I overreacted. It’s just that I like, no, I love having you as my submissive. The thought that you might not be as into it as I am… well, it damn near did me in.”

  “I love having you as my Dom. The things we’ve done together this week have brought us closer. I’m anxious to go on more adventures with you. But how will we manage it?”

  He blew out another long breath, then smiled. “A lot of people just use their bedroom. We can buy dual-purpose furniture. Or we can convert the spare bedroom into an adult playroom. With a locking door, of course.”

  She stared at the apple trees. The spare bedroom. She’d always hoped they’d have another use for that room. But until today, she’d never felt confident enough in their relationship.

  As though sensing her change in mood, he tugged on her chin. “Whatever it is, tell me. If there’s a problem, we’ll work it out. We’re strong enough to do that now.”

  Pressing a hand to her lower belly, she swallowed, suddenly nervous. Was it too soon?

  “Erica.” He’d used his Dom voice on her and without even thinking, she’d looked up. Oh, he was good.

  “Is our relationship strong enough for us to have a baby?”

  His eyes grew round and his arms squeezed her. “Are you—?”

  “No!” She lowered her eyes to the middle of his chest and toyed with his T-shirt. “I never went off the pill when you left… when I made you leave.” Guilt swamped her again. “When and if we have more children, it will be because we both want them.” Her fingers walked up his chest, her eyes followed. “Do you want more children, Jamie?”

  He rubbed his jaw as he studied her face. What was he searching for? Leaning his head back, he stared up at the sky. She did the same. The sun had set and a few brave stars twinkled. “I always wanted Chloe to have brothers or sisters. I love being part of a big family, and I want that for her, for us.”

  Gripping his hair, she tugged his head down. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “I knew how frightened you were, and let’s face it, another child would have put a huge strain on our already shaky relationship.”

  “And now?”

  He shrugged. “You tell me.”

  She smiled. “I can handle it now. I want it, a big family.”

  “So you’re not afraid of me dying?”

  “I’ll always be afraid of that. But this week, you showed me the respect you have for fire. And the love. I’m not going to spend the rest of my life worrying about what might be.”

  Picking her up, he twirled them around. His mouth closed over hers and his delicious warmth flowed through her. He threaded his fingers through her hair, rubbing her scalp. She shivered and arched her neck. Guiding her head, he deepened the kiss. His tongue swirled over hers, stroking and enveloping. Remembering where they were, she pulled away. “Jamie.”

  “Shit. Sorry,” he said, panting.

  Lacing her fingers through his, she began tugging him toward the group. He teased her by yanking her bottom against his erection. Oh my. She tilted her hips and pushed back. When she added a swiveling motion, Jamie groaned. The low sound vibrated throughout her body. Her nipples tightened into twin peaks.

  He’d given her so much in the last week, there had to be something she could do for him. Then she remembered his must-have. Could she do it? More importantly: was she ready? He ground against her and his hard length snuggled between her cheeks, spreading them. Millions of nerve endings exploded with sensation. “Jamie.” Her voice sounded rough and throaty even to her.


  “I seem to remember something about a certain must-have. You were pretty adamant about it at the beginning of our vacation.”

  With a light touch, he turned her face. “You mean—?” His wide eyes and a thrust of his pelvis finished the question.

  She rocked her hips, smiling when the movement elicited another sexy groan. “Uh-huh.”



  He glanced at his watch then grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the patio, talking as fast as an a
uctioneer. “Mom, Dad, everyone, thank you. Great party, but it’s getting late. We’re going home. To bed.”

  For a moment, no one moved. Everyone stared at them as though dumbstruck. Then in a flurry of activity, all the adults checked their watches. Dani’s shriek split the night. “I called it,” she shouted, high-fiving Chad. “Everyone, pay up!”

  Erica felt a burning heat rise to her face as bills were slapped into Dani’s outstretched hand. Her in-laws had bet on when she and Jamie would leave? “Jamie?”

  Tugging her under his shoulder, he grinned like the day he’d received his new bunker suit. “They’re a very understanding family. You’ll get used to it.”

  When William dropped his payment into Dani’s hand, she clamped her fist around his fingers, forcing him to slide his fingers through her hold or stay trapped. With a challenging glare, he freed his hand, while laughter twinkled in Dani’s eyes. “Your brother has no idea what he’s getting into, does he?”

  “Not at all. But I do,” he said, smacking her bottom. “Now, get our daughter, Mrs. Caldwell, and let’s get the hell home.”

  Yipping, she skipped into the house to collect Chloe’s things. She couldn’t wait to get home, to her Caldwell bed, and have another exhilarating scene with her kinky Caldwell hero.

  Author’s Note

  Fire play can be a sensuous and erotic experience for both Doms and subs, but only when done correctly. Fire is dangerous, and handling it must be learned. In Under His Command, Jamie Caldwell is an experienced Fire Master who learned the art of fire play from a knowledgeable mentor.

  Should you decide that this is something you’d like to try, please find a skilled mentor, take a class, or attend a series of workshops. No amount of books or videos can ever replace hands-on training when it comes to fire. Please, for your safety and that of others, let your play always be safe, sane, and consensual.

  Thank you for reading Under His Command.

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