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  • What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9) Page 58

What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9) Read online

Page 58

“I suppose if the only other man I’m competing with is your son, I’m okay with that.”

  Krista rolled over and stared up into his eyes. She really wanted this relationship to work between them. She hated to admit it, but he melted her heart. A future with Neil would be perfect. Being with him and EJ would make things complete. She’d always wanted another child, but if it wasn’t in her cards, she was beginning to think that was okay. After all, EJ was getting older. Did she really want to deal with diapers and bottles again?

  “I can see the wheels turning. What are you thinking about?”

  She laid her head on his chest. “Nothing important.”

  His arms wrapped around her, pulling her tightly against him. He kissed the top of her head. “Don’t fall asleep.”

  “Easier said than done. I’m so content.”

  “I’m glad,” he whispered. “How about I go grab us something to eat before I take you home?”

  “Don’t you have a bell to ring or something? I don’t want to get up.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll be sure to have that installed this week and hire a cook.”

  “Looking forward to it.” She giggled as she sat up, pulling the sheet up around her chest. “I guess I’ll shower.”

  He winked at her. “Too bad we can’t play together in there.”

  “Why not?” She’d never get enough love from Neil.

  “Because, I’ll never get you home otherwise.”

  She got up from the bed and Neil reached out, giving her ass a slight slap. She laughed and dragged the sheet behind her into the bathroom. As she closed the door she heard the squeak of the bed as Neil climbed off.

  The bathroom was huge, but she didn’t see the shower. She walked through and finally saw a doorway to a room that was the size of her kitchen. It was the shower! There were several shower heads. She pressed a button and watched as the sprayers turned on. Oh, she could get used to this.

  As she stepped into the engulfing warm water, she was certain she was living out some fairytale fantasy. Never in her life did she think a man like Neil would be interested in her. He could give her anything in life. She still wasn’t sure how she’d caught his eye or how long this was going to last. But she was already ankle-deep in. Her heart was almost his. At this point, it was all up to Neil if he wanted it or not.

  After she was out of the shower and dressed, she met Neil back in the bedroom. The bed was made and in the center sat a tray of food. Neil sat in the bed with a newspaper as he read.

  It was the type of morning she’d always imagined. All she needed now was EJ to come running in, bounce on the bed, and spill the coffee all over the white bed spread.

  “This looks good.” She stared at the bowl of fruit and French toast. “Did you make this?”

  “I did.”

  She climbed on the bed. “You’re a man of so many hidden talents. I could get used to this.”

  “Good. I want you to. Now eat.”

  She took a plate and set it in her lap. “I’m happy we’re doing this.”

  “Eating?” he joked.

  “No, silly. Trying this whole relationship thing.” She popped a grape into her mouth.

  He gazed at her. “Ah, so are you officially my girlfriend?”

  “I guess so. Can’t you ask me better than that?” She bit into the cantaloupe.

  “Krista, will you be my steady?”

  She tossed her head back and laughed. “Of course.”

  A sexy grin crossed his handsome face. “Guess I should look into getting you a promise ring.”

  She pushed his shoulder gently. “Just make sure it comes from a gumball machine.”

  “You’re something. I can tell my life is never going to be boring with you around.” He set the paper down. “I need one more taste before I take you home.”

  “I just showered.”

  “Yeah, you washed me off of you. I can’t have that.” He tugged her to him and she straddled his lap.

  At this rate, she was never going to leave his bed. Which really wasn’t such a bad thing, was it?

  Krista heard the sound of the car door open and close and then the distinct running footsteps of her son. The front door opened and EJ bounded through.

  “Hey, Mom.” He ran right past her, not even stopping for a hug.

  “Where are you going in such a hurry?” She followed him to his bedroom.

  He held up a green case. “Dad just gave me this cool new video game. He told me to come play it while he talks to you.”

  Oh, she’d forgotten about that. “All right. I’ll be right back.” She placed a kiss on the top of his head.

  She glanced out front and saw Todd leaning against his car. Taking a deep breath, she needed to just get this over with. She met him in the driveway but didn’t say anything.

  “How was your weekend?” he asked.

  Perfect. “Nice, minus the accident.”

  “You have a glow to you today. You look happy.” He studied her and she shifted on her feet, uncomfortable.

  Krista’s cheeks burned. She couldn’t remember the last time Todd had noticed her. “I’d like to spend some quality time with EJ, so if you don’t mind, what did you want to talk about?”

  “Seeing those flowers the other day,” he rubbed his temple, “got me thinking. I found myself jealous and didn’t understand why. I know why the marriage ended and I know it was my decision. But perhaps I finally got my wake-up call and I can see what I had all this time.”

  Wait…is he…

  “I’d like you to think about me and what you might feel, and if you think there could still be something between us.”

  And he is. “I don’t know what to say. How can you have not loved me and now have feelings for me?”

  He sighed and rubbed his hands together. “I know. It’s confusing for me too. I haven’t dated anyone else, really. I have missed you.”

  “Let me just stop you.” She put her hand up. “Like you, I’ve had awhile to think about us. And I’m sorry. I don’t want to go down that road again.” She paused. “I’m also seeing someone.”

  “You’re what?”

  He probably thought she was mental, since just two days before she’d told him she wasn’t seeing anyone. “I’m dating someone at the moment. It’s not serious, yet.”

  “This millionaire person? The person who sent you flowers?” He paced. “I’m confused. You told me you weren’t seeing him.”

  “I wasn’t, or I tried not to be. But he just kept up and I couldn’t fight it anymore.”

  “What do you mean he wouldn’t give up and you couldn’t fight?” He stopped dead in his tracks. “Did he hurt you?”

  Oh God, no. Never. She couldn’t imagine Neil ever laying a hand on her in a mean way. “No, no. He was just persistent about his feelings and I denied mine until I couldn’t any longer.”

  “Has EJ met him?” He glared at her.

  Krista shook her head.

  “Don’t you dare let them meet until I meet him. In fact, we need to arrange this soon.” His tone was full of anger now.

  “Calm down.” This was escalating quickly.

  “You want me to calm down? I tell you I want to try again and now I learn the man you told me you weren’t involved with, you are.” He groaned. “I want to meet him.”

  Krista knew she couldn’t deny Todd the chance to meet Neil. Things were more complicated when a child was involved. She could only imagine telling Neil this. He’d probably see what he’d gotten himself into and get out quickly.

  “I’ll set something up soon.”

  Todd opened his car door. “So you and I? No chance?”

  “Todd, you don’t want me. And the only reason you think you do is because I’m suddenly unavailable. You don’t love me and you never did.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “You were never in love with me.”

  He was silent. He stared at her a moment before he climbed into his car, closing the door. A moment later he start
ed the car and left. Krista sighed, thankful their talk was over.

  Inside, she went into EJ’s room, plopped down on his bed, and watched as he navigated his way through his new video game. She thought about talking to him, but instead sat there silently trying to make sense of what had just happened.

  “You just tell me when and I’ll be there. It’ll be fine, I promise.” Neil leaned back in his office chair.

  “Are you sure? You’re probably wondering who the heck you’ve gotten yourself involved with.” Krista sighed.

  He switched his cell phone to the other ear. “Krista, I don’t know any other way to say it, other than, it’s fine. I understand why he wants to meet me.”

  “Thank you. I’ve been dreading this call.”

  “Don’t ever be afraid to ask me anything. I’ve been on this earth for quite some time and your ex has the right to meet me before I encounter his son. He wants to make sure I’m not some weirdo or anything.”

  She laughed. “Where did you come from? I’m still in shock by this whole thing.”

  Tana, his secretary, knocked on the glass by his door. “I’m sorry to cut this short, but I’ve got a meeting. Don’t stress. It’ll be fine.”

  “Okay. Talk to you soon.”

  “You bet.” He set his cell phone on his desk and motioned to Tana he was ready.

  A moment later, Ian walked into his office. Neil stood and put his hand out to shake his friend’s hand. Ian took a seat in front of the desk and Neil sat in his.

  “How was the club this weekend?”

  “Packed. I missed seeing you there.”

  Neil grinned. He’d had a pretty fantastic weekend away from the club.

  “Something tells me I won’t be seeing you there too much.” Ian raised an eyebrow. “Has the sought-out bachelor, Neil Clark, been wrangled?”

  Wrangled and branded. “I’m afraid so.”

  Ian laughed. “Oh, man. I never thought I’d see this day. Is it the woman you told me about the other day?”

  “It is.”

  “Congrats. I hope it works out.”

  Neil hoped so too. “I hope to still be by the club for poker nights and such. Just no more setting me up. Hopefully some nights Krista can get a sitter and come with me.”

  “She has a kid?”

  “Yup. A son around seven.”

  “Wow. By any chance did you hit your head or something? This is a complete one-eighty for you.”

  Neil chuckled. “I know. I still wonder if this is true. But there is something about this woman that makes me want to put the ball and chain to my leg.”

  “As long as you don’t expect me to follow suit, we’ll be okay.”

  “Ah, you never know.” He reached for the phone to call Tana. “Want coffee or anything before we get this meeting going?”

  “Coffee would be good.”

  He pressed the intercom button. “Tana, could you bring in two cups of coffee. Thanks.” He turned his attention back to Ian. “Let’s talk about my second favorite subjects: business and money.”

  “Why do you keep putting it off?” Jamie sat across the kitchen table from Krista.

  “It gets real then.” Krista sighed. “Until I really know it’s going to work between Neil and I, do I want to get this ball rolling? Why go through the hassle of Todd meeting him, followed by EJ, when this might not work out?”

  “Stop. I’m sick of hearing you say this isn’t going to work out. From what I’ve heard from you, that man is head over heels for you. A bachelor who never wanted to settle down is doing just that with you. You! He accepts your son. He still wants to be with you after getting to know you. Quit waiting for the bad and enjoy the present. No, I can’t tell you the future, but I think it’s going to be good.”

  “It’s hard. You know me.”

  “Yes, I do, and that’s why I’m telling you to knock it off. If you keep this up, the man is going to think you belong in a looney bin.”

  Krista sipped her juice. “Do you at least understand why I’m putting off this meeting?”

  Her friend nodded. “I do, but I also think you should get the one with Todd over with. You don’t have to let EJ meet him just because Todd does. You do that when you’re ready.”

  “I guess you’re right.” Krista set the glass down.

  “So, when are you going to see him again?” She pulled her hair into a ponytail.

  “I don’t know. It’s been a few days. We’ve talked some, but he’s been busy with work stuff. I think he leaves tonight, actually, on a short trip.”

  “At least if he travels a lot, you won’t have to get sick of seeing him.”

  Krista laughed. “I suppose you’re right about that.” Her cell phone vibrated on the table. She glanced at the screen. “Speaking of.” She picked it up. “Hi, Neil.”

  “Morning, beautiful. Are you busy for lunch?”

  “I’m not, but I am home with EJ.”

  Jamie kicked her and whispered, “I’ll watch him.”

  “Darn. I was hoping to take you out. I want to see you before I leave town for the next few days.”

  Krista chewed on her bottom lip. She really wanted to see him too. “I think that can be arranged.”

  “Really? Great.”

  She ran her hand along her knee. “Want me to meet you somewhere?”

  “Would it be weird if I asked you to have lunch with me at the office? My secretary will be gone, so it’ll be private. I can have something delivered.”

  She gulped. Did she really just gulp? “Yeah, that…that works.”

  “Excellent. Tana leaves at twelve thirty so feel free to come a little earlier. I’ll have lunch waiting.”

  “I’ll see you soon.” She set the phone down. “Guess I need to shower and get ready. I’m having lunch at his office.”

  “His office. How unromantic,” Jamie complained.

  “We’ll be alone.”

  “Ooo, I get it. Let’s find you something sexy to wear.” Jamie stood, grabbed Krista’s hand, and pulled her through the house to her bedroom.

  It was five minutes until Tana went to lunch. Neil had hoped Krista would have arrived before Tana left. The more time together, the better. To be frank, he’d hoped to have eaten by now and then feast on Krista during the hour the office was closed.

  A light tap sounded on his office door, followed by it opening. “Do you mind if I head out? I have some errands to run,” Tana said.

  “Go, please.” He paused. “By the way, take an extra thirty and consider it paid.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Wow, thanks.”

  He needed all the extra time he could get. “Have fun.”

  Tana smiled and began to leave, when he heard her say excuse me to someone. She then popped her head back in. “There’s a woman here to see you.”

  “Send her in.”

  Tana’s expression changed as she evidentially understood now why he wanted her to take an extra long lunch break. She nodded and moved out of the way. Krista then walked in and he almost bit his tongue.

  She wore a red dress that hugged her all the way down her body. It had a low v-neck, baring her nice cleavage. As she entered the office, she closed the door behind her.

  He was already hard, his cock pressing against the zipper of his slacks. He hoped like hell Tana was out of the building, because he was about to take Krista right there.

  “Good afternoon.” She sauntered over.

  “It’s perfect now.” He wrapped a hand around her, tugging her to him. “I’m not really hungry, are you?”

  She shook her head. “I’d like to play first.”

  Krista pushed away from him and lifted her red locks, revealing the zipper that went from her neck all the way down to her round ass. “A little help.”

  Fuck! She really had come to play. Neil wasted no time. He took the zipper in his fingers and lowered it, revealing only creamy skin. Nothing else. Krista spun around and kicked the dress off. She stood before him naked—except for the black sti
letto heels.

  “Speechless?” She winked.

  For once in his life he was.

  As he stared at her, taking in the sight, the primal side of him kicked it. He grabbed her, yanked her to him, and kissed her with greed. She giggled and moaned. Her little sounds sent him even more over the edge, his control melting away. He had to bury himself in her now.

  With a force he turned her around and placed her hands on the edge of the desk. He fiddled with his pants until finally he kicked them off. Gripping her waist, he positioned himself right at her sweet opening. She was soaking wet and he slid right in. She felt fucking amazing. Shit, the condom. He began to pull out, but as he glanced down at her ass, her tight calves in those heels, he had to thrust. He couldn’t stop. Reaching forward he wrapped a hand in her hair, pulling her head back.

  “This is going to be fast,” he groaned out.

  He pounded into her hard. With each thrust she cried out. Her walls tightened around him, she was almost on the brink of release. He did his best to stay in control because he’d have to pull out before he could release.

  “Neil!” she called out.

  She was close. A couple more thrusts and—what was she doing? She stopped gripping the desk and leaned down toward her ankles. He was deep—really deep—and it felt… Fuck!

  His orgasm tore through him as hers hit her. Gripping her waist, he pumped fast and hard, milking every last drop out. Her warm welcoming pussy holding him tight as she rocked her release.

  Holy fuck, that had been good.

  Removing himself from inside of her, he found a chair behind him and sunk into it. She turned to him, walked over, and straddled his lap.

  “Now I’m ready to eat.” Krista kissed his cheek.

  Food. He couldn’t eat right now. He’d never had unprotected sex—at least not in years. He had with Rachel, but she’d been on the pill.

  “What’s wrong?” Worry formed on her brows.

  She knew him well. “It’s…we didn’t use a condom.”

  He studied her face and waited for her response. “It’s fine. I’m clean.”

  He chuckled. “Me too, but what about pregnancy and all?”

  “Sure it can happen one time, but I’m not ovulating right now.”

  She was a woman and he assumed that might be something she knew about. He had no clue about any of it.