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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9) Page 54

  She stepped back so he could enter then pushed the door shut. Her nerves were on edge, having him in her home. With a deep breath, she brushed past him and led him into the living room where they took a seat on the couch.

  He lifted the bag in his hand. “I brought dessert.”

  “I haven’t had dinner.” She laughed.

  “Life’s short. Eat dessert first.” He opened the bag to reveal two Styrofoam containers, each containing a piece of cheesecake. His gaze traveled over her body, making her feel beautiful. “I hope you didn’t go to the trouble of getting dressed up for me.”

  She shrugged. Since when were jeans and a blouse dressed up? “I needed a shower anyway. Your coming over gave me an excuse.”

  He grinned and cocked an eyebrow. “What were you wearing prior?”

  “Uh.” Did she really have to answer?

  “Sorry. That was too personal. Here.” He handed her a slice of the cake and a plastic fork. “Enjoy.”

  He grabbed his piece and settled into the couch, directing his attention toward the TV. She took a bite and practically moaned as the sweet flavors mingled with her senses. It was like a little slice of heaven. She did her best to watch the movie, but she kept finding herself staring at Neil out of the corner of her eye. She just didn’t get him. He was a giant mystery. Why in the world did he want to eat cheesecake on her ratty couch with her when he could be flying around the world with some model?

  “Neil,” she said.

  He glanced at her.

  “What is this?”

  “What is what?”

  “This.” She paused. “Us. I don’t get it. We’re nothing alike. We’re from opposite worlds and yet you’re here with me.”

  He took a slow bite from his fork before resting it on his container. “I like you.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  His gaze locked on hers. “I want to.”

  “But why?”

  He set his dessert down and turned his body toward hers. “Why does this have to be complicated? Can’t we just see where this will lead?”

  Sure, if she didn’t have a son to think about and a heart that would get broken. “How can it go anywhere?”

  Neil grinned at her. “This can be anything you want it to be. Stop worrying and enjoy.”

  That was a lot easier for him. She couldn’t just live this fairy tale life, and even if she could, she wasn’t sure she was built for it. She lived paycheck to paycheck. She barely had a savings account. They were nothing alike and he’d never understand.

  She set her empty box down. “I don’t know. I—”

  “Sshhh. You’re ruining the movie.” He took her hand and held it, diverting his gaze back to the TV.

  Krista decided to let it go for now. She’d enjoy this one night and then she’d do her best to forget Neil and hope he’d do the same with her.

  Chapter Four

  “Let me get this straight. You’ve seen Neil again and you still haven’t kissed him?” Jamie stared at Krista the next morning as though she’d lost her mind.

  Yes, she had lost her mind, but it was a good thing they hadn’t kissed. It would bring much more emotion into this. “I don’t think I’ll be seeing him again. I made it pretty clear that things would never work between us.”

  “I think you’re passing up something great.”

  Krista rolled her eyes. “I get it. He’s rich and hot. But where’s it going to go? He doesn’t want kids. I have a kid. He’s in his late forties, I’m in my late twenties. I want to get married again. He hasn’t been married yet, so chances are he never will. Tell me, why would I want to get mixed up with him?”

  “Maybe you’ll be different. He’ll fall so in love with you that he’ll want to raise EJ and give you six more babies. You guys can have a beach house in Italy. And of course, you will find me a rich friend of his as well.”

  Krista shook her head. “Not happening. I don’t have time to live in a fantasy world like you do.”

  Jamie stuck her tongue out. “You need to learn to have fun. That’s your problem.”

  Krista turned her back on her friend and sighed. She was sick and tired of hearing people to tell her to have fun. She was a divorced, single mom at the age of twenty-eight. She didn’t have time for fun. Heck, the highlight of her life was getting whipped cream on her flavored coffee at Starbucks. Sad, yes, but that was her life. She played it safe—always. Neil wasn’t safe.

  “What time’s EJ going to be back?” Jamie asked.

  “Not until later. Todd called and said they were going to the park or something.”

  “Let’s go out for a bit then.”

  Krista turned back to her friend. “The last time I went out with you, you took me to that club. I think I’ll pass.”

  “Kris, its one o’clock in the afternoon. I’m thinking lunch, not hunky older men.”

  She laughed. “If it’s food, I’m in. Let me go get my coupon book.”

  Neil walked into The Gentlemans’ Club and headed straight for the back office. The door was cracked open and he saw Ian, the owner, at his desk studying paperwork.

  He lightly tapped on the door. Ian looked up and waved him in. “What’s up?”

  Neil stepped inside. “Nothing much. Was driving by and thought I’d stop in. How’s business?”

  Ian put down the paper he’d had in his hands. “Good. Lots of happy men and women. I’m really glad you came out the other night. Did you find a young woman to take home?”

  Neil chuckled. “I found one all right. I haven’t even made it to first base yet.”

  Ian smirked. “Damn. Find another.”

  If only it was that easy. “That’s the problem.”

  Ian’s eyes lit up. “Wait just a minute. Neil Clark, bachelor for life, has stumbled upon a woman he can’t have?”

  He hated to be reminded. Krista was his pretty that was just out of reach. “Pretty much. And it makes me want her that much more.”

  Ian tapped a pen on the desk. “What’s stopping her? She was here, after all. She must like older men and you’re quite the catch.”

  “I don’t think she would’ve come here on her own. Her friend dragged her here. She’s made it clear that the lifestyle I have to offer, she isn’t interested in.”

  “Then forget her.”

  Neil raked his hands through his short hair. That was the problem. Krista was unforgettable. Like the girl next door growing up. Always out of reach, but your wildest wet dream.

  Ian leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin. “I can see the wheels turning. You don’t want to forget her. Look, tonight is a special night. We’re doing poker games. Come back. Maybe someone else will intrigue you and want you. There’s no reason to waste your time on a woman you can’t have.”

  Neil nodded. Maybe he’d do that, come back tonight. He liked poker and the thought of sitting down with his friends and beautiful women sounded like a good evening. “Yeah, I’ll be back.”

  “Good. There’s a woman, Beth. You might like her. I’ll make sure to set her up at your table.”

  “Awesome. Well, I’ve got a meeting to get to. See you later, man.” Neil turned and went out the office door.

  Maybe the only way to get over Krista was another woman. Hell, he’d been doing it for years. But then he thought back to the way Krista felt in his arms on the plane. So soft. So right. The way she’d moaned as he stroked her back. If it hadn’t been for the turbulence, he had a feeling it would’ve gone a whole lot further than it had. Somehow he had to get her alone again on a date. Get her to let her inhibitions go and then perhaps he could show her the life she could have with him.

  Life. Crap. Where had that thought come from? Maybe Ian was right. He needed to find another woman. Krista was making him think things he hadn’t thought about in a long time. Not since he was young and thought the life of wife and kids was what he wanted. But when the woman he supposedly was going to marry ran off with his good friend, the betrayal had been more than he c
ould bear. He swore he’d never love another woman again. However, there was something about Krista that told him she’d take no less.

  He’d be at that poker game tonight and if he had his way, whoever that Beth woman was, she’d be riding him home tonight.

  Neil walked through the doors to the club that evening, ready for a good game of cards. This was one card game he enjoyed—and a nice cigar to go with it sure didn’t hurt.

  The place had practically been transformed. The seating areas were all pushed up against walls, and several large round tables had been set up. Neil went to the bar first to order a brandy. After the bartender gave him his drink, he turned and looked around. Ian waved his arms, catching his attention.

  Drink in hand, Neil made his way across the club.

  “I was worried you weren’t going to return,” Ian said.

  “I’m a man of my word.”

  “As am I.” He pointed toward the poker area. “You’re at table three, and that beautiful blonde over there is Beth.”

  Neil eyed her, seeing a busty woman in a deep purple dress that clung to her like a second skin. She had on layers of makeup, and while she was attractive, he couldn’t help but think of Krista and her natural beauty.

  “She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?” Ian nudged him.

  Neil nodded. To some man out there she was a looker. And for tonight, she would be to him. As much as he wanted to try to get to know Krista, she’d made it clear she wasn’t interested. What other choice did he have then to move on?

  “Games are about to start. Go have a seat.” Ian slapped him on the shoulder and walked away.

  Neil went to the table. Beth turned to him with a giant grin. “Hi, I’m Beth.”


  Now that he was only inches away from her, he couldn’t help but wonder how old she was. Was she even legal? He was certain a woman had to be twenty-one to get in the club, but this woman didn’t look like she’d been out of high school long.

  As he took his seat, he asked, “What do you do for a living, Beth?”

  She tapped her bright pink nails on the wooden table. “I’m in college right now and not working.”

  Young, very young. “What are you going to school for?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve not decided yet. Just kinda having fun right now.” She leaned closer, letting her breast rest on his arm. “I’m up for any kind of fun.”

  Oh, he bet she was. He smiled and winked. “Know much about poker?”

  “Oh, I’m not playing. I’m here to cheer you on.” Her tongue moistened her full bottom lip. “I was a cheerleader in high school. I’m very flexible.”

  He knew just her type. The type he could bring home tonight and keep in his contacts to call whenever. Leave it to Ian to find him the type of woman he usually liked. No commitment necessary.

  “Perhaps you can show me some moves later.”

  She placed a hand on his upper thigh. “Or we could skip this game and find out now.”

  “As tempting as that sounds, I happen to like taking money from unsuspecting victims. You just sit here and be my good-luck charm.”

  Beth giggled and scooted closer to him.

  The dealer at the table got the game going. After the first round, Neil realized he was playing with some good players. Tonight might be a bit of a competition.

  As the dealer dished out the next few cards, he couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching him. He glanced around but didn’t see anyone he recognized. Maybe some pretty woman was watching him from afar.

  The club was still packed, even though it wasn’t a typical night. As he picked up his cards to see what he had, he heard someone clear their throat from behind him. Laying the cards down, he turned to see a woman. She looked familiar, but he couldn’t quite place her.

  “Neil Clark, right?”

  He nodded.

  “I can’t believe you.” Her tone was loud.

  “Quiet down.” He waved his hand. “What did I do to you?”

  She rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her slender hip. “It isn’t what you did to me. It’s my best friend.”

  Ah, one of his past bed romps must have gotten her feelings hurt. “Tell your friend it was just a one-time thing and not to take it personal.”

  “Oh believe me; I’ll be sure to let her know what I saw here tonight. You and that woman.” She huffed. “Thank God Krista never went all the way with you.”


  Neil stood quickly, but the woman had turned her back and was strutting away fast. He pushed through the crowd, hoping to catch up to her, but she was out the door before he could catch her. He followed her in time to see her climbing into her car and driving off.

  Damn it!

  “Who was that?” Beth asked as she came up behind him and laced her arms through his.

  Neil shook her off and stomped off toward his own car. Having Krista think negatively about him was the last thing he wanted.

  Chapter Five

  Beep, beep, beep. Beep, beep, beep.

  Krista rubbed her eyes.

  Beep, beep, beep. Beep, beep, beep.

  Pushing herself up from where she was laying on the couch, she glanced around, disoriented. She must’ve fallen asleep while watching TV.

  Her cell phone continued to beep. What the heck? She reached forward and grabbed it from her coffee table. She hoped the noise didn’t wake EJ. She’d had a hard time getting him to go to sleep tonight as it was.

  Krista read the messages from Jamie.

  Are you there? I saw Neil tonight.

  Neil is a jerk. Thank God you didn’t get involved with him.

  You deserve someone much better than that sleezeball. Call me!

  Krista scrolled through, reading them again. Where had she seen Neil and what had he done? She was about to call Jamie when a knock sounded on her front door.

  Setting the phone down, she tiptoed over and peeked out the sidelight window and was surprised to see Neil.

  What the hell was going on this evening?

  She opened the door and stepped out onto the front porch, closing the door behind her. She didn’t want the voices to carry down the hallway to wake EJ.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to explain.” He was out of breath.

  She brushed her hair over one shoulder. “Explain what?”


  Krista sighed. “I’ve been asleep. I have no idea what’s going on. I do know I had texts from Jamie and apparently you’re a sleezeball. However, I haven’t talked to her yet to find out why. But since you’re here. Go ahead and explain.”

  He stared at her with an apologetic expression. “I did a stupid thing tonight and I’m sorry.”

  She crossed her arms and leaned against the cool brick but didn’t say anything.

  “I like you so much and I don’t know why.” He grunted. “I don’t mean that the way it sounds, but I am so attracted to you. I’ve never been this attracted to a woman. And yet, you’ve pretty much told me over and over that it isn’t going to work. Tonight was poker night at the club and I was there.” He paused and took a deep breath. “Well, Jamie saw me with a woman.”

  Krista held her hand up. “We’re not together.” Not that hearing he was with someone else didn’t sting.

  “But I want to be. I don’t want the other woman.”

  “You want to be with me, even though I keep telling you it’ll never work. So you turned to another woman? Or something like that.”

  “Fuck, yeah. Something like that.” He rubbed his palms along his sides.

  Krista stared at the older man. She’d only seem him a few times in her life, but he’d always been so collected, but right now the man who stood before her was frantic. He didn’t hold that same controlled demeanor she was used too. Instead he seemed unsure of himself.

  “I made a dumb mistake.” He sighed.

  Krista couldn’t understand why he was so apologetic. “Did you sleep with her,
kiss her, or anything like that?”

  “No. I only met her when I sat down at the table.”

  Krista laughed. “You flirted with another woman and now you feel guilty?”

  Neil was silent a moment and stared past her. Finally he looked back at her. “When you put it that way, I can see how silly this is. But I didn’t want Jamie to tell you anything that would upset you. She ran away so fast I didn’t get a chance to explain what she saw.”

  She chuckled more. “It’s fine, Neil. Really. You can go home and sleep tonight with a clear conscience.”

  He growled. “Damn it, woman! The things you do to me.”

  Before Krista had a moment to respond, his arms were around her waist tugging her to him. His lips captured hers and then their tongues met. Krista was frozen at first, until a fire seemed to ignite in her. She laced her arms around his neck and stood on her tippy toes. Tilting slightly, they deepened the kiss.

  Nerves in her body tingled, especially between her legs. Her panties grew moist and she couldn’t believe she was this turned on from a kiss.

  Neil pushed her so until her back was up against the rough brick wall, and his erection pressed into her stomach. Oh God, the feel of a man’s arousal. It had been so long. So long since she’d wrapped her hands around a shaft and stroked it up and down, listening to a man’s breathing to tell if it was pleasurable or not. The feel of seeps of cum escaping as her hand glided faster up and down.

  Lost in thought, her hips began to grind into him. His thigh pressed to her center. The rubbing and grinding felt too damn good.

  “Krista,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Don’t stop.” She tugged his mouth back.

  He whispered into her chin, “We’re on your front porch. Let’s take this inside so I can really show you how sorry I am.”

  She shoved him away. “Crap. This went way too far. You’ve got to go.”

  He stared at her, raising an eyebrow. “I’m confused. We were just kissing.”

  She’d practically been dry humping his leg. “This shouldn’t have happened. We can never happen. Forget this kiss. Goodbye, Neil.”