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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9) Page 32

  Once they were gone, Bo applied the ice pack to her jaw and kissed her forehead. “What happened?”

  She sighed, tears welling up in her eyes. “I was on your iPad. I broke my promise to you and read the articles.”

  Bo’s heart sank. Many of those articles were cruel, which is why he’d been shielding them from her. He’d prayed she never see them, but knew she’d eventually be too curious to help herself.

  “Those articles are bullshit, sweetie. Written by assholes trying to make a buck and consumed by idiots who are jealous of us and take satisfaction in seeing us fall from grace.”

  “Maybe you’re better…”

  Bo placed a finger against her lips stopping her. “You want to know the real reason why Nadine and I broke up?”

  She shrugged and then nodded.

  “It wasn’t drugs. Sure she had a habit for partying, but the truth was she didn’t love me. Never did. But we stayed together because it looked good in the tabloids.”

  He lowered his finger.

  “I’ve been blessed with a great career. Everything anyone could have asked for, except no one to share it with. I thank God every day for having that idiot run our car into the island at your coffee shop. I know it’s only been a month, but it’s been the happiest month of my life and if you were to leave, it would kill me, Hanna.”

  His heart was thudding in his chest. He was feeling something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Scared. With each second that passed that she didn’t respond he got increasingly nervous.

  “I love you, Bo. I just don’t want to ruin your career or be a burden or…”

  An intense rush of relief washed through him, along with shock that she’d actually said the words out loud. I love you, it sounded so sweet to his ears. Instead of silencing her with his finger he covered her lips with his, taking care not to hurt her. Pulling back, he gazed into her beautiful green eyes and fingered a lock of her satiny hair. “I love you too baby.”

  The hesitation and doubt that he’d been seeing in her eyes virtually from the day they’d met slowly began to fade away. What remained was the love and contentment he’d been longing to see for weeks. But there was something else in his eyes that he hadn’t seen before – determination. She was his.

  Hanna’s head was pounding like someone had taken a lead pipe to it and her jaw aching. She’d known Victor was having some issues with alcohol and was never a big fan of her and Jackie being there, but to try and pay her off? And then attack her when she refused? It just made no sense. Was this the world she was throwing herself into? Did Jackie realize this wasn’t the world they belonged in and decide to cut her losses? For that matter could Victor even be believed? It was all so much to digest.

  Closing her eyes she took a deep breath in and slowly released it. Opening her eyes, her gaze caught Bo’s. His concern and affection were so clear that it tore at her. Whether she belonged in his world where her every action was scrutinized she didn’t know, but deep down she knew that she belonged with him and that meant adapting so she did fit into his world.

  I love you too baby, his words were like music to her ears and brought tears to her eyes. No, he was worth it. They were worth it. She realized then that she was going to have to get over her insecurities – once and for all – to be with him and she was determined to do just that.

  As a little girl her grandmother had told her that the most important things in life were worth fighting for… There was no doubt in her mind that the sweet, caring, sexy man knelt before her was exactly what her grandmother had in mind.

  Expect to see “The Rock Star and the Girl From the Coffee Shop 2: Under Pressure” available now

  Rock Star 2 description:

  She’s a small town girl living the dream…

  Hanna Ambrose is a shy small town girl who finds herself swept up into the insane, fast-paced world of rock & roll when she starts dating the sexy-as-sin rocker, Bo Savage. While she struggles to ignore the nasty headlines featuring her and Bo in the gossip magazines the pressure is getting to her.

  Enter Nadine Vessy…

  After a dramatic falling out with their former manager, the band hires the dynamic and outspoken, Nadine Vessy, to represent them. Nadine’s first line of business – get Hanna out of the picture once and for all! She’ll stop at nothing, including digging up every dirty little secret Hanna has to make that happen.

  Will Hanna and Bo’s love to strong enough to survive the storm that Nadine has planned for them?

  About the Author

  Terry Towers is a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author, with her books translated into six languages. The Moan for Uncle Series, The Sibling Rivalry Series, The Girl From The Coffee Shop series and over a dozen other titles have all graced the erotica and romance bestsellers charts.

  Soft & Hard Erotic Publishing

  Contact Information




  Terry Towers



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  Shayla’s Story

  A Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime

  Beverly Preston

  This book is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Copyright © 2013 by Beverly Preston

  All rights reserved.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the retailer and purchase your own copy.

  Cover image by Rob Lang.

  Cover designed by Linda Boulanger

  Visit Beverly Preston at

  To Don—my Richard, my Tommy, my John

  I love you


  To Don, my husband who loves me endlessly, thanks for cooking more often, putting up with a messy house and sacrificing a few date nights while I took the time to write.

  My youngest daughter, thank you for making wonderful dinners, you may truly be a chef one day.

  My four kids, thanks for allowing me to bounce questions off of you, no matter how absurd. Your input proves to be invaluable to me.

  Caylee, my oldest daughter, words cannot express the gratitude I have for all of the time spent helping me with final line edits. Even though the hours proved to be grueling, I absolutely loved every minute. You are awesome! You are my rock, my best friend!

  To my family and friends who supported me in my endeavors, gave me words of encouragement and showed up with wine at the perfect time, your support and friendship are priceless. Sandy Mohn, Sherrie Lee, Karen Collins, Jewel Peck, and Lynette Owens, thanks for your support ladies!

  Rob Lang and Linda Boulanger for providing the photograph and design work to create a gorgeous cover.

  Paul Rega, thank you for enlightening me in the art of self-promotion. Go team Pay It Forward!

  I would also like to thank Natascha at SPJ Editing, my friend and editor.

  Ellen DeGeneres, I hope you read this someday; without you there would be no dream.

  To everyone who is falling in love with The Mathews/Clemmins Family, I cannot thank you enough for your patience, support and words of encouragement.

  Chapter One

  Clumps of firmly packed sand fell from Shayla’s feet, leaving a trail of wet footprints across the parking lot. Droplets fr
om her ponytail and wetsuit evaporated on contact with the warm concrete sidewalk.

  Shayla reached back, tugging on the zipper pull at the nape of her neck, exposing her bare shoulders to the warmth of the California sunrays slipping through the morning haze. Stopping to adjust her surfboard, she gave a cordial nod to the group of hard-bodied surfers changing beneath the towels wrapped around their waists.

  Record-breaking November temperatures rejuvenated the typically tranquil morning into a bustling day at the beach. Families loaded down with bulky coolers, beach chairs, floppy hats and SPF 50 rushed to stake a claim on a blanket size piece of prime Malibu beach real estate.

  Every day at 10:00am came the changing of the tide; big swells that drew the early morning line-up of surfers mellowed, leaving ideal waves for body boarders to enjoy.

  Shayla trekked up the hill heading for home. Sounds of the weakening surf grew faint, replaced by the croon of mocking birds taking up residence in the giant palm trees that lined the quaint, established neighborhood. She extended neighborly hellos to the routine dog-walkers and exercise enthusiasts out for their morning run.

  Shayla rounded the corner, and a surprised smile etched across her lips as she caught a glimpse of the familiar silver sedan parked in her driveway. Her pace quickened and she anxiously trotted down the pavestone driveway. Shayla hadn’t seen Mat in over two weeks, other than dropping by campaign headquarters to deliver lunch and a quick peck on the cheek. He’d barely found time to answer her goodnight phone call.

  She fumbled one-handedly with the latch on the redwood gate. Propping her board against the house, she ducked into the outdoor shower hidden within the lush foliage at the back of her house. Shimmying out of her wetsuit and bikini, she impatiently washed off the remainder of gritty sand and saltwater, replacing it with the sweet scent of honeysuckle body-wash and shampoo.

  Mathew Huntston was the son of Margret Huntston, Mayor of the affluent city of View Point. After two terms as acting Mayor, she set her sights on bigger and brighter lights: the Governorship of the state of California. She had the reputation of a feminine liberal, but many perceived her as cold and ambitious. Shayla simply thought of her as the potential intimidating future mother-in-law from hell.

  Mat hadn’t popped the question, but he’d brought up somedays and forevers on more than one occasion. At the moment, Shayla was simply more interested in right now. She hoped to take advantage of a private moment whenever they got the chance. November marked the beginning of a yearlong campaign. The grueling schedule and highly publicized campaign would be daunting.

  Shayla wrung the excess water from her long blonde hair and wrapped a towel around her. The mouthwatering aroma of breakfast hit her before she even made it through the back door.

  Mat stood in front of the stove dressed in grey slacks and a light blue dress shirt. Steam drifted from a kettle as he poured boiling water into her favorite mug on the counter.

  “Hey.” She padded barefoot behind him resting her hand on his firm shoulder. “This is a nice surprise.”

  Mat turned to face her, placing a kiss of affection on top her head. “Me or the breakfast?”

  “Both,” she simmered. Shayla teetered on her toes, raising her lips toward his. Slipping her fingers into the folds of the towel, she began to disrobe. “I didn’t expect to see you until tonight.”

  Mat briefly pressed his lips to hers before clasping hold of her delicate hands and drawing them to his lips. “I can’t stay. I have to get back to work.”

  Her hopes of spending the morning in bed squashed, she slumped, resting her forehead against to his chest in disappointment.

  A gorgeous arrangement of vibrant lilac iris and sweet-smelling magnolia blossoms beaconed from the center of the breakfast nook table. “He seems to have outdone himself this time.”

  Shayla twisted her neck, following Mat’s gaze to the stunning bouquet. Shayla’s uncle made a thoughtful habit of sending her flowers for any and all special occasions. “They are beautiful and they stand for good luck.”

  “And I just bet they smell good too.”

  “You know, it’s not a competition.”

  “I’m just glad I brought you breakfast instead of flowers.” He cupped her chin, flashing a charade of a smile. “And I have something for you to wear tonight.”

  “I’d rather just wear you tonight.”

  Mat personified the term Classic Male Americana; everything from his sandy blonde hair and trim defined physique, to the predictable turtleneck sweater he’d wear that evening. He could lavish her with extravagant gifts, but all she truly yearned for was quality time spent together as a couple.

  He pulled a white box with the initials HW from his pocket and set it in her hand. “I thought these would be the perfect accessory for you to wear at the gala.”

  Mat lifted the lid, exposing a pair of gorgeous drop earrings.

  Shayla traced the tip of her finger over the delicate strand of brilliant diamonds and rubies linked to form the shape of a heart. She smiled, touched by his attention to detail. The Have a Heart Foundation was Shayla’s favorite charity and tonight was the Bare Your Soul extravaganza.

  “They’re beautiful,” she whispered softly, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  Mat stood aloof, patting her back mechanically.

  Mat was not a big hugger. Displaying emotion through the warmth of physical connection of any kind seemed unacceptable in the Huntston family. Shayla suspected Mrs. Huntston thought of sentiment as weakness, a politian’s Achilles’ Heel. Every time she greeted Mat or his family with even the slightest embrace, it was like wrapping her arms around an ironing board. She learned quickly to abandon her typical greeting of a comforting hug, replacing it with a proper handshake or civil nod of the head.

  Peering down at the gift, she narrowed her eyes as a foreseeable notion climbed into her head. “You are still coming to the gala with me tonight, aren’t you?”

  “Of course.” He scoffed as if she were acting impractical, resting his hands firmly on both shoulders. “Tonight is one of Los Angeles’ biggest social events of the year. I’d never miss it.”

  “Of course,” she repeated disheartened, dropping her arms at her side. “Voters. And here I thought maybe you were attending the gala to raise awareness for heart disease.”

  He wiggled the breakfast-to-go box with LocoMoco written across the top as if it were a peace offering. “I’m attending to support my girlfriend.”

  The delicious aroma of her favorite breakfast, a LocoMoco surf bowl, eased her irritancy when hunger took over. Sounds of appreciation swelled from her throat.

  “Yumm.” She pulled out two forks and handed one to Mat, eagerly digging into the layers of brown rice, turkey burger, salsa, three egg whites and a pinch of sprinkle cheese.

  “Unfortunately––” he shook his head, passing on breakfast and setting his fork back on the counter “—I do have an important meeting, a dinner meeting, so I’m going—”

  “What?” She choked on a mouth full of food. “Seriously, Mat?”

  Unable to mask her anger and disappointment, Shayla nearly lobbed the bowl on the counter. “I’m announcing this year’s recipient of the Humanitarian Award! Tonight’s a huge honor for me! Why—”

  “I’ll be there. I’m simply going to be a little late. Cecil Marsh is one of our biggest contributors.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Cecil is one of your mother’s good friends—”

  “Cecil endorsed my father until he had no choice but to walk away after my father’s affair became national news. His support is essential for my mother’s campaign. We’ve already leaked it to the media and my presence shows a strong united force.”

  “I’ve already arranged for a car to pick you up. I promise to make it up to you after the gala.” He flashed his infamous smile known for soothing her irritancy.

  Her gaze shifted out the window toward the ocean. They’d already had this discussion several times. She understood the camp
aign would be his number one priority, but he’d promised to support her at the Have a Heart fundraiser.

  Each of them had busy careers, which required unwavering loyalty. Shayla worked diligently as her uncle’s personal assistant for six years, not including the four years he spent coaching her for the position while attending college. Her job was most often filled a forty hour plus work week, but at times required her attention twelve hours a day seven days a week.

  Shayla admired Mat’s steadfast devotion to his family and job. However, her uncle would never purposely sabotage an important event to drive a wedge between her and Mat.

  Margret Huntston would.

  She released a heavy exhale, calming her frustration while she collected her thoughts.

  Mat jiggled her fingers, waiting for a response.

  “You don’t need to send a car. I’ll just drive. I should get there early anyway.” She didn’t need to arrive early, but it rolled out of her mouth, wanting to keep the peace and her agitation from boiling over. The last thing she needed today was another round in the on-going debate about how little time they spent together. “Thank you for the earrings.”

  “I’ll be there,” he assured, heading toward the front door.

  “I hope so,” she said somberly, reaching for the doorknob. “I make the announcement at 9:30pm.”

  “I won’t be late.” Mat kissed her cheek and jaunted down the front steps.

  Traipsing into the kitchen, Shayla dug into her surf bowl. Daydreaming out the window, she wondered if he’d really show up on time. Judging past performances, Mat would be late. She believed in being perpetually punctual and Mat was always fashionably late.

  The buzzing of her cell phone brought her into reality. Seeing her best friends face flash across the screen, she answered, “Hello?”