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  • What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9) Page 26

What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9) Read online

Page 26

  Chapter Eight

  “This is incredible!” Jackie exclaimed as she looked around them.

  Hanna also surveyed the crowd. She and Jackie were seated front row center of a sellout crowd at the Garden. People of various ages chattered and countless women in the crowd were holding up signs proclaiming their love for Bo.

  “Did you see the article about his new girlfriend?” Hanna heard a woman say from behind her.

  Hanna’s ears perked up upon hearing someone mentioning the article.

  “Pfft. Yeah. Can you imagine? She’s not even all that pretty. And she’s fat!”

  Hanna fought the urge to turn around and scowl at the women behind her. She looked down at herself in a black sundress. Sure she was a little chunky, but she would hardly call herself fat. That being said, she knew she was hardly the size two or zero that most of the models who dated rock stars were.

  “Fuck those bitches Hanna. They’re just jealous.”

  Hanna turned her attention to Jackie and sighed as she nodded. “I know.”

  “You never did tell me about your night with him. I told you everything that happened with Jeremy.”

  Hanna could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks when she recalled the things Jackie had told her transpired between her and Jeremy the previous night and well into the day, until Anthony showed up and ruined their little sex games.

  “I told you. Nothing happened really.”

  Jackie raised a sceptical brow at her. “Nothing really. Come on, spill it sister.”

  Hanna shrugged. “We had a nice night. We had dinner, got approached by the paparazzi, talked, I went to his room and he sang a song he was working on to me and then we fell to sleep together.”

  “No sex at all? Really?”

  Hanna shook her head. “We played around a little bit, but we mostly just cuddled. It was sweet. Really. I like that he wants to take his time with us. It’s nice.”

  Jackie was about to respond, but the lights began to dim signalling the show was about to start. A surge of excitement rushed through Hanna. She was going to see Bo on stage. The crowd around them began to chant, demanding Bo and the band appear.

  After several minutes, music began to play and suddenly spotlights lit the stage, showcasing Jeremy, Anthony and the two other members of the band that Hanna still couldn’t remember the names of. Screams sounded throughout the crowd, so loud that they were almost deafening.

  Hanna winced. She hated crowds and she really hated people screaming and whistling a mere foot or so from her. She turned and glared at the woman who’d just screamed that she wanted to have Bo’s baby.

  Suddenly the music got louder and the tempo picked up. The crowd began to go crazy. She spun around to see Bo walking onto stage. If possible he was sexier now, on stage, than he’d been the previous night. Maybe it was the thousands of women screaming for him, or maybe it was how cocky and confident he was when as he walked up to the microphone. He was the king of the night, and the people surrounding her were his followers.

  He immediately began to belt out his current number one song. His voice filled the stadium, and his voice in combination with the beat of the band made her pussy clench and her panties dampen. His eyes immediately met hers and he gave her a wide grin and a slight nod, before turning his attention to the crowd to the left of her.

  “Oh my GOD! He smiled at me!” Hanna heard a girl behind her scream. The woman’s mouth was so close to her ear that she cringed from the noise.

  He began to work the crowd, giving high fives, making eye contact and nodding towards people in the audience. His actions made the audience go even wilder than they already were, all the women fighting and screaming for just a simple look in their direction. Hanna felt a sense of pride well up within her. She’d spent the night curled up in the arms of a man who thousands of women were begging for a simple glance in their direction from.

  Beside her, Jackie was joining in the excitement of the crowd, dancing with the music and keeping her eyes glued to Jeremy, who made it a point to lock gazes with her from time to time. Being slightly shy and reserved, Hanna had never been one to get wrapped up in the excitement of a concert. However, by the time the fourth song came around she found herself swaying and laughing with and at the excitement of the people around her.

  Bo began working his way to her as the fifth song took up. This time it was a slow, sultry ballet. This was easily Hanna’s favourite song. It showcased his vocals and seemed to sweep her away in the melody. As Bo began the chorus he looked down at Hanna and their eyes locked. A shiver ran down Hanna’s spine and her pussy began to throb, as his voice and the band washed over her.

  It was at that moment that she realized why women fell so hard for musicians. It was hard not to. Impossible even. He broke eye contact way too quickly, leaving her feeling depleted.

  “Bo! Bo! Booooooo!” The woman behind her screamed, so loudly she could be heard over the thunderous beat of the speakers twenty feet from them. Moments later, something was whipped past Hanna’s head.

  What the fuck? Hanna looked over her shoulder and gasped when her eyes caught notice of the woman who was now bare-chested. Her generous, perky breasts jiggled as she waved her pink shirt in the air. Hanna pulled her eyes from the girl’s breasts to see that she’d thrown her pink bra onto the stage.

  Bo glanced down at the bra at his feet and then looked over Hanna’s shoulder to the partially naked, screaming woman.

  “He’s looking at me! He’s looking at me!”

  For the love of God! Hanna growled. Of course he was looking at you, bitch, you’re half naked! Hanna gritted her teeth, keeping herself from saying something she’d regret to the girl who she doubted would be any older than seventeen.

  Bo snatched up the bra and waved it in the air, not skipping a beat in the song. He looked down at Hanna, and he gave her a wink. The crowd went wild yet again, and he tossed the bra off stage and continued with the song.

  Another hour passed and Hanna was finally letting loose, dancing and singing along with the songs. It felt good and from his expression when he graced her with a look, Bo seemed to be both amused and delighted that she was enjoying herself.

  “Hey girls. Come with me.” A tap on her shoulder turned her attention to one of the guards who had approached her and Jackie.

  “Jackie.” Clutching her arm, Hanna gave it a tug, getting her friend’s attention.

  Two more guards joined the first as he slid the barrier across allowing Jackie and Hanna to enter the “forbidden zone.”

  “Oh my God! That’s her!” A voice from behind her and in the crowd screamed.

  Hanna frowned as she looked around for the source of the voice. Who’s her?

  “Bo’s girlfriend! Holy shit!”

  It didn’t surprise her to see it was the half-naked girl who recognized her from the tabloid.

  “Come on. Hurry!” The large, black guard grabbed her by the upper arm and tugged her and Jackie down the aisle. He hustled them so quickly Hanna found herself stumbling to keep up in the heels she was wearing. However, his urgency was not in vain; her identity was quickly revealed to the audience, spreading like wildfire, and people began to grab at her and Jackie, screaming questions and insults.

  Hanna breathed a sigh of relief, as they exited the floor and entered the safety of the backstage area. Was that a taste of what it would be like to be his girlfriend? People screaming at you? Curious about you? Hating you just for being with him?

  “Intense, huh?”

  Pulled from her thoughts, Hanna glanced over at Jackie, who was beaming from ear to ear. Jackie was the kind of girl who would savour the attention, both good and bad. Jackie was the perfect rock star girlfriend in Hanna’s opinion. But her… not so much.

  She sighed and then scolded herself for getting ahead of things. They really hadn’t even planned another date; considering herself his girlfriend was very premature.

  They were guided to the side of the stage, just out of the line
of sight of the crowd so they could watch the remainder of the concert from there. But, despite how much she’d enjoyed the concert so far, her mind was racing with thoughts of Bo and what was going to happen between them next.

  The guys did two encore songs before ending the concert and making their way backstage. As the band exited the stage, they immediately became surrounded with assistants, passing them bottles of water and beer, and asking what they needed.

  Jeremy elbowed his way over to Jackie and picked her up. She immediately wrapped her legs around his waist, and pressed herself against him. Their lips locked in a passionate kiss, neither one seeming to be interested that there was anyone around. Seconds later, the two had disappeared.

  Hanna averted her gaze, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot. She searched for Bo and found him surrounded by a group of teenage girls, all with backstage passes around their necks and fighting for his attention. Feeling her gaze on him, he glanced over at her and gave her a knowing look, holding his index finger up at her as he turned his attention back to the excited girls.

  Well, okay. Spotting an assortment of upcoming events posters on the wall, Hanna strolled over and glanced at the posters, pretending to be interested in them.


  Hanna jumped, feeling a strong hand on her shoulder. It was the guard who had led her and Jackie from the audience and out back. “Yes?” She looked around the massive frame of the guard and spotted Bo. He was still busy entertaining the young women and a couple of reporters had joined the fray.

  “Bo noticed the reporters coming so he wanted me to take you back to his dressing room. He said he won’t be long.”

  She glanced over at the reporters, one being the female from the previous night, and nodded. She had no desire to be interrogated by that woman. Hell, she wouldn’t be able to explain her relationship with Bo if she tried. She was still working that out for herself. “Okay.”

  “Come with me.” The guard made a point to block her from the reporters’ view as he steered her towards the dressing rooms. Hanna was grateful.

  “Do you know how long he’ll be?”

  “Give him a half hour to an hour tops.”

  Hanna’s heart sank as she prayed she wouldn’t have to wait an hour.

  Arriving at his dressing room door, the guard reached around her and opened the door, pushing it fully open.

  “Thanks, a bunch. I –” She gasped and froze as she peered into the room and her eyes caught sight of a young blonde-haired girl, fully naked – with the exception of her backstage pass – and stretched out on the red leather sofa, her legs spread wide in invitation.

  The guard seemed unfazed by the young woman. “You’re not supposed to be in here, Miss. Please get dressed and I’ll escort you out.”

  The blonde pouted as she fondled the pass around her neck. “But I have a pass. And I wanted to surprise Bo.”

  “Oh dear God!” Hanna spun around so her back was to the woman, as she tried to purge the image of the woman’s big – likely fake – breasts from her mind.

  “You’re not allowed back here. Please get dressed, Miss.”

  “But I have a surprise,” she whined and Hanna faintly heard a wet smacking sound. She didn’t want to imagine what the sound was, but the image of the woman fingering herself forced itself into her mind. Was this what Bo experienced all the time? Did he indulge himself in the women who threw themselves at him? The girl was gorgeous, she’d give her that; she supposed she couldn’t blame him if he did.

  “Don’t touch me, you ogre!” the woman screeched, along with the sound of shuffling feet.

  Hanna crossed her arms over her chest, and let out a loud huff of air.

  “Fine! You’re such an ass!”

  The guard, with his hand firmly on the now dressed blonde’s upper arm, walked past Hanna.

  “I’m so much hotter than her!” the blonde spat, glaring over her shoulder at Hanna, as she was pulled by the arm, down the hall.

  “Wow,” Hanna muttered as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. She scanned the contents of the small room. In a corner of the room sat a table overflowing with flowers, small gifts and cards. Curious, she walked over to the table for closer examination. One bouquet was held together by a black lace thong.

  Grimacing, she continued on; several more pairs of panties, some proclaiming to be worn and coated with the women’s cum. Double gross. A few bras. Shaking her head, and feeling a tingle of jealousy over all the women falling over her man… Her man? Damn it. With a sigh of frustration, Hanna flopped onto the leather sofa.

  As soon as her bottom hit the leather, she remembered that a naked woman had just been on it, presumably masturbating. She cringed and leapt to her feet as if she’d been burned. Walking across the room she plunked herself into the chair in front of the vanity. Pulling out her Smartphone she began fiddling with the games as she waited for Bo.

  Close to two hours had passed since the end of the concert and Bo was feeling like a complete asshole knowing Hanna was in his dressing room waiting for him. The fans and reporters had been relentless; their main focus of their questions had been on the identity of the mystery redhead.

  Now that they were gone he could finally relax and spend the evening enjoying Hanna’s company. Just thinking about the previous night and her soft body cuddled next to his made him hard. But, his hunger for food rivalled his hunger for her sweet body at that moment.

  Opening the door, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips at the sight before him.

  Apparently, Hanna had gotten enough of waiting and using his leather jacket as a pillow proceeded to take a nap – with her head on the vanity table. She looked so damned sweet, he almost didn’t want to wake her, but his stomach grumbling jolted him into action.

  Bo crossed the room, crouched down and tapped her on the shoulder. “Hey sweetie.”

  She grumbled something incoherent, appeared to be waking and then fell back into a deep sleep. This time her sleep was accompanied by light snoring. Bo felt even more like an ass for making her wait so long.

  “Hanna baby.” He spoke a little louder, giving her shoulder a rougher nudge.

  She grumbled and her green eyes fluttered open. “Bo?” She frowned as she slowly sat up and surveyed her surroundings. Recognition flashed in her eyes and her face began to redden. “I’m sorry. I… The wait and…”

  Laughing, Bo stood and extended his hand to her. “I’m the one that needs to apologize. I tried to get away as quickly as possible, but the other guys took off, leaving me to fend them all off.”

  “Does that happen a lot? Them leaving you with the fans?”

  Bo shrugged. “Sometimes. Depends.”

  She took his hand and stood, the skirt of her peach-coloured sun dress swaying with the motion, falling to mid-thigh.

  “Ready to eat?”

  She nodded. “I’m famished.”

  “Good, because I have reservations at The View.”

  The View was a fine dining restaurant in Manhattan that easily had the best food in the world. The price tags associated with the meals would make most people cringe and walk out. But as far as Bo was concerned, the price was well worth it.

  A wide smile crossed her lips and an excited gleam lit up in her eyes. “Really?”

  “You betcha, babes.”

  Chapter Nine

  “I think I’m a little underdressed,” Hanna whispered to Bo as they were led through the restaurant, which contained the richest of the rich in New York. Men wearing finely tailored suits and women in elegant gowns. Everything about the people they passed screamed money and class. Looking down at her peach sundress, which she purchased at the mall on sale for twenty bucks, made her feel severely self-conscious.

  Bo grinned down at her, putting her at ease, and gave her hand a squeeze. “Baby, I’m wearing torn jeans and a t-shirt. You don’t see me sweating it. Besides you put the rest of these women to shame.”

  “You’re a celebrity. Tha
t’s different.”

  “Well, you’re the girl of a celebrity, which makes you just as different.”

  With a shake of her head, Hanna laughed, giving in. “Fine.”

  “Besides, we have a special table set up.”


  “Your booth, Sir.” The waiter opened a door made of mirror that Hanna wouldn’t have even noticed was there had he not opened it. Releasing her hand, Bo placed his hand at the small of her back and urged her into the dimly lit room.

  “Wow!” Hanna looked around them. The mirror was actually a one-way mirror, where she could see the restaurant, but they couldn’t see in. “Too cool.” While two walls contained the mirrors the other two were windows, giving her the most spectacular view of the New York skyline. Hanna rushed to the floor-to-ceiling window and peered out; the sparkling lights below were so beautiful it was mesmerizing to her.

  “If you need anything, please let me know, Mr Savage.”

  “Thank you.”

  At the sound of the waiter’s voice, Hanna spun around to watch the waiter spin on his heel and leave, closing the door behind him. Turning back to the window, she looked out. “This is really amazing, Bo. I can’t believe your life revolves around eating in places like this.”

  “It’s not all fun, but I plan on relishing in every part of this life for as long as it lasts.”

  Bo came up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him, brushed her hair to one side and nuzzled her neck. She moaned softly and let her head fall back against his shoulder, closing her eyes. He felt good. So good. And for a moment she forgot about the craziness that came with being with him and basked in the moment.

  “I can get used to this.” Her body froze when she realized she’d said it out loud. “I ummm. I mean…”

  “I’m glad. Cause I have no intention of letting you go.”

  What did that mean? Was it just something he said in the moment, or was there a deeper meaning to it? Hanna caught his eyes in the window reflection, not sure what to say. Nothing came to her – funny, sweet or otherwise. A knock at the door broke the moment and she released the breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding.