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  • What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9) Page 22

What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9) Read online

Page 22


  Hanna lifted her eyes, to peer at him over the rim of her glass. “Please.” She couldn’t think of anything better to relieve her tension and embarrassment.

  Pulling the sparkling white wine from the silver ice bucket to the right of them, Bo tore off the wrapper and took hold of the cork. Giving it a tug, the cork came loose with a loud pop and went sailing across the room, the beverage bubbling up and spilling from the top.

  Bo laughed, his face lighting up with excitement as he moved the bottle away from his body, but not quickly enough to keep from getting sprayed by the bubbling beverage.

  Giggling, Hanna’s embarrassment quickly faded. “You know Bo…”

  He glanced over at her, a brow lifted as he took her glass and poured some wine into it.

  “No matter what the situation, there’s something about the popping of a cork that lifts any mood.”

  His grin widened and Hanna found herself struck by how handsome he was; it was no wonder women swooned over him. She would guess they swooned well before he became famous.

  “I didn’t realize the mood needed lifting.”

  “Well, I mean…” Hanna sighed and ran a shaky hand through her hair.

  Bo poured himself a glass and put the bottle back into the ice bucket. “Tell me what I need to do to make you feel comfortable. You were somewhat comfortable at the coffee shop. What’s changed? What do I have to do to make it good again?”

  “Be a normal, non-celebrity customer showing up at the coffee shop,” Hanna offered, only halfway teasing.

  Bo’s brow furrowed and he went silent as if considering her suggestion, but his smile returned moments later. “Don’t know if I can do that. Any other suggestions?”


  “Well, what’s the problem? You have something on your mind, I can tell. Be honest.”

  Hanna took another long sip of her drink and then leaned back in her seat and motioned towards the elegant set-up. “This kinda feels like a date.”

  Following her lead, Bo took a drink and sat back evaluating the spread between them. He rubbed his chin and slowly nodded. “Indeed it does.”

  “But this isn’t a date…” She said it cautiously, feeling silly for even allowing herself to think the idea, let alone say it out loud.

  “Hmmmm.” His grey eyes caught hers and he grinned. “So you’re against dating musicians?”

  Bo anxiously waited for her response. He loved seeing her blush and squirm in her seat, as she tried to come up with the best way to phrase whatever it was she had to say. Her responses seemed to be so calculated and political, not wanting to offend him in any way. She was a lot more uncomfortable than she had been at the coffee shop and it concerned and slightly disappointed him. He hoped she would treat him like any other schmo she might date.

  “Well, no. I’ve never dated one before.”

  “So what if this was a date. Would that make you uncomfortable? Or would you feel better if this was just a couple of people having dinner?”

  Her tongue swept along her lower lip and his cock jerked as his eyes followed her tongue. Her lips shone with gloss, begging him to go around the table and taste her.

  It was his turn to squirm as his dick slowly began to rise, urging him to rake his fingers through her flaming red locks, while lowering his mouth to hers. Maybe that would loosen her up. A short, chaste kiss. A quick taste. Just to loosen her up… Just once.

  Awwww fuck it!

  Hanna flinched when he stood suddenly and walked around the table to her.

  “Come here.” Taking her hand, he urged her out of the chair and tugged her close to him. Closing the distance, he touched her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb.

  She inhaled sharply and her body tensed.

  “Breathe,” Bo whispered as he slowly lowered his lips to hers. There was a chance kissing her would increase her nervousness, but he couldn’t have stopped himself if he wanted to – which he didn’t.

  As his lips touched hers her body relaxed against him, her arms slipping up his chest to wrap around his neck. He brushed his lips across hers lightly – feather light. The smell of her shampoo greeted his nose, so sweet and succulent.

  She sighed against his lips. The sound of her sigh was so soft and arousing, his cock went from half mast to fully erect. Would she sigh like that if his kisses went lower? He fought to keep his mind and cock from getting away from him.

  Bo bit lightly at her lower lip, and pulled her tighter. Her breasts crushed up against his chest, and her body rubbed up against him.

  She moaned a little louder and he took it as an invitation to deepen the kiss, his tongue sweeping across her lower lip and then slipping past her lips in search of hers.

  Hanna could barely believe it was happening. It had to be a dream – had to. Any minute she’d wake up and this fantasy would be over, and she’d be left longing for his touch.

  She fisted his shirt at the shoulders, clinging tight to the cotton as his tongue caressed hers, fuelling her body with need. She pressed her body tighter to him and felt the length of his hardening cock against her stomach. She was surprised and felt a sense of pride and empowerment at the knowledge that her body against his could turn him on. She longed to slide her hands under his shirt and feel the finely defined muscle she knew would be underneath, but restrained herself.

  Bo slowly pulled his lips from hers, but kept his arms around her, keeping her close. “Do you see now how much I want you?”

  Hanna nodded, slightly dazed from the kiss and revelling in the feel of his body against hers.

  “I have a secret to admit.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I asked you here because I wanted to get to know you.” He gave her a grin, a devilish gleam in his eyes. “The concert was just a cover.”

  Hanna wasn’t sure if that made her more nervous or less. Everything about him made her want him, from his strong chiselled jaw to the wicked gleam in his eyes as he made his confession. Her eyes lowered from his eyes to his lips. He had cut off the kiss way too early and she was somewhat disappointed that he’d ended it so quickly.

  Sliding a hand to the nape of his neck she urged his mouth lower, and stretched up against him until their lips met for a second time. “Oh Bo,” she murmured. The faint taste of wine mixed with spearmint greeted her lips and tongue. So good. She knew if she didn’t pull away soon she’d happily give herself to him. The temptation was almost too much.

  Fortunately, Bo took the decision from her, ending the kiss and stepping back. She was left leaning back against the table, her knees wobbly and threatening to buckle under her.

  “I ummm.” Bo averted his gaze and cleared his throat. After a moment, he turned his eyes back to meet hers. “If I don’t step away now, then…” His voice trailed off and she noticed his face flushing – ever so slightly.

  Her nervousness began to evaporate as the realization that he was like any other man struck her. His looks, fame, money, fans, all of that didn’t define who he was or inflate his ego to astronomical heights like she’d assumed it would have.

  “What?” He eyed her cautiously, making her laugh.

  “You’re not what I would have expected.”

  A frown accompanied his look of concern. “So what exactly did you expect?” He held up a hand stopping any type of response. “No wait. Considering you already admitted to Googling me, I’m not sure that I want to know.”

  “No, you don’t understand.” She fought back laughter as he waved off her explanation, while fighting back a grin she could see threatening to emerge.

  “No. No.” He placed a hand at the small of her back and urged her back to her seat. “I have a feeling that I may have to redeem myself and I’m not even sure what for.”

  “It wasn’t that bad, really,” Hanna protested, laughing.

  “That so?”

  “Yup.” Grabbing her wine glass she took a sip and watched him take his place across from her.

sp; Taking a long drink and emptying his glass Bo clucked his tongue off of the roof of his mouth. “Well, might as well tell me. What did you find?”

  Hanna grimaced. “Well, it was mostly relationship stuff.”

  Grabbing the wine bottle from the ice bucket he filled his glass and topped up hers. “Like what? What was the worst of it?”

  Hanna chewed at her lower lip, considering what she should divulge. “Well, from what I read…”

  Bo waved his hand at her. “No. No. Give it to me.” Breaking open a lobster claw, he pulled out a piece of meat and plopped it into his mouth.

  Hanna cringed. With a loud huff, she decided to just tell him so they could get past it. “Well, they portrayed you as a bit of a man-whore.”

  Chapter Four

  Bo froze for a span of a couple of beats, not sure if he’d heard correctly. Swallowing the mouthful of lobster, he raised his eyes to look at her. Man-whore? Him? He hadn’t even had sex for close to a year! Jeremy, sure. But him?

  “You asked.” She gave him a sympathetic smile and a shallow shrug.

  Dropping his fork onto the plate he leaned back in his chair and eyed her. This was something he had to clear up with her. “Hanna… That’s not even close to the truth. It’s all the image the PR people and paparazzi put together.”

  By the expression on her face, he could tell she was mulling it over.

  “This past year, I finished recording the latest album. Once that was done we immediately hit the road. It’s just one city after another with barely time to sleep.”

  Hanna leaned forward in her chair, bracing her elbows on the table. “What about the groupies? Don’t all rock bands have their choice of women in the audience?”

  Bo rolled his eyes at her. “Trust me – groupies are not appealing to me. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate them coming to the concerts and following my work, but that’s the extent of it.”

  He could see her continue to mull it over. “Why? There must be thousands of beautiful young women throwing themselves at you. How could any man resist that?”

  “Well, think of it this way. Men like a bit of a challenge. I do anyhow. Women who throw themselves at me have little appeal.”

  “What about the celebrities?”

  “Okay. Well, I’ve been with a few in my day. Not as a PR gimmick, but because there was a connection of some sort.” He blew out a huff of air. “Like any other relationship, it never worked.” He waved to their lavish surroundings. “All this comes with a price, Hanna. Every new person that comes into your life, you second guess their intentions.”

  “That’s sad.”

  “It’s the price that we pay. So when I met you at the coffee shop and you were a little nervous, but not over the top enthusiastic over who I was, it appealed to me.” He leaned across the table and fingered a strand of her red curls. “And I love these beautiful red curls.”

  Hanna closed her eyes and sighed softly, enjoying the feel of his fingers stroking her hair, reminding him of her soft sigh when he was kissing her. He gritted his teeth when his cock jerked alive, pushing his desire for her to the back of his mind. The way that her body had reacted to him during the kiss he was confident that if he wanted her, she could be his. But that’s not what he wanted. He’d gone a year without sex, so he had no issues, aside from the throbbing of his cock, with holding off.

  Hanna opened her emerald green eyes, satisfaction and arousal gleaming in them. “What if I’m a closet groupie?”

  Laughing, he pulled back and raised an inquisitive brow at her. “Closet groupie huh?”

  “You never know.”

  “Hmmmm. In that case maybe I can make an exception and try dating a groupie after all.”

  A smile broke out on Hanna’s face, lighting up her features. “So back to the original question… Is this a date?”

  “Then let me counter with my original question. Are you opposed to dating musicians?”

  Hanna giggled and shook her head, her red curls swaying around her head. “I guess not.”

  “In that case… This would be a date.”

  “I swear every room I see is more incredible than the next.” After one of the best dinners she’d ever experienced, Bo gave her a tour of the remainder of his penthouse. Thanks to the kiss, his confession and a tad too much wine, virtually all nervousness and insecurity was gone and they’d been able to enjoy a steady stream of conversation.

  It didn’t take her long to determine he was easily one of the most fascinating men she’d ever met. There was much more to him than what was portrayed by the media. She felt somewhat guilty for pre-judging him.

  “We’re about to enter my favourite part of this place.”

  “Oh?” She grinned up at him, and he gave her a wink that sent her pulse racing and then gave her hand a tug, leading her through his massive, elegantly styled bedroom. Hanna paused, her eyes landing on the king-sized bed in the center of the room.

  His eyes followed hers to the bed and he laughed. “Well, second favourite.”

  Her face grew warm and he gave his eyebrows a little wiggle, which only increased her embarrassment, but he managed to get a laugh out of her. Bo parted the maroon satin curtains to reveal a set of glass double doors that led onto the balcony.

  Excitement rushed through Hanna. At their height, she knew without seeing that the view would be nothing short of spectacular. Bo released her hand, and she immediately felt the loss of contact. Bo seemed to be a very touchy guy, nothing inappropriate, but sweet touches such as holding her hand, or a hand at the small of her back, or a light touch to brush a strand of hair from her eyes. She loved it. Each touch felt like a tease and left her yearning for more.

  As Bo opened the double doors, a gust of cool air greeted her and she immediately felt the effects of the alcohol. The conversation had been so enjoyable during dinner that she hadn’t paid any attention to the amount of wine she’d been consuming. She gave herself a moment to catch her breath and steady herself.

  “Whoa. You okay?” Bo slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her tight, helping to steady her.

  Hanna nodded. “Oh yes. I’m fine.” She gave him a sheepish grin. “New shoes.” The look he gave her told her he seriously doubted it was the shoes that were causing her unsteadiness.

  “If you say so.”

  “I’m not the one who kept topping up my glass, mister.”

  He chuckled softly. “I suppose you’re right. In that case, you have my apologies.”

  They approached the railing and his arm tightened around her waist, as if scared that she’d go toppling over the rail if he wasn’t holding onto her.

  “This view is amazing, Bo,” she gasped as she leaned against the rail and looked out onto Central Park. “I swear I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be here right now.” She looked over at him and caught his eyes. “Thank you.”

  He gave his head a shake, and smiled. “Nothing to thank me for, it’s my pleasure.”

  Bo leaned into her, his lips mere inches from hers. Hanna waited with bated breath for his lips to touch hers. Seconds before their lips connected a sharp and insistent beeping broke the moment and Bo quickly straightened, clearing his throat.

  “Sorry. Give me a second.” Reaching into the front pocket of his jeans he produced his smartphone and pressed a couple of buttons as Hanna pretended to be uninterested in what he was doing.

  “It’s for you.” He passed the phone to her and she immediately saw Jackie’s number on the screen followed by a text message.

  Oh God, I can’t believe she texted him! Hanna groaned inwardly, slightly embarrassed.

  Jackie: Can I talk to Hanna a minute. Jeremy gave me your number to text.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, giving Bo an apologetic look.

  “No worries.” Bo shrugged and turned his attention towards the view.

  Hanna: Why are you texting me on Bo’s phone?!? I’m so embarrassed!

  Jackie: Jeremy said it was OK. Geez. You didn’t
answer yours.

  Hanna: What do you want?

  Jackie: How’s it going with Bo ;)

  Hanna: You do know this is his phone, right?

  Jackie: Whateva’. Jeremy asked if I wanted to spend the night at his place.

  Hanna frowned. Jackie was abandoning her? Hanna’s jaw clenched, it was so like Jackie to do this.

  Hanna: If you do I’m going to have to spend the night alone at the hotel :(

  Jackie: I’m sorry. It’s just he’s soooooo… Mmmm.

  “Oh dear God,” Hanna rolled her eyes as she spoke the words out loud, not meaning to.

  “Something the matter?”

  Hanna’s eyes lifted from the small screen to Bo. She frowned. “Jackie is going to stay with Jeremy tonight. She’s asking if it’s okay with me. She knows I’d never say no.”

  “I see. And you don’t want to go back to the hotel alone?”

  The heat rushed to her cheeks. It sounded so silly when he said it. She was twenty-two years old, for heaven’s sakes, fully capable of spending a night alone at the high-end hotel. It wasn’t as though she was going to the Bates Motel or anything of the sort.

  “Well, I mean… It’s just…” She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin. “It’s the principle of the matter.”

  Amusement danced in his grey eyes. “For sure.” He reached out and took the phone from her hand and then typed a message.

  Confused, Hanna’s frown deepened. “I… Ummmm.”

  “You can stay here tonight. I have a number of guest rooms. I’ll send someone for your luggage in the morning and in the meantime, if you want to borrow some of my clothes, they may be a bit large on you, but they’ll do.”

  Hanna’s eyes widened in surprise. “Stay here? But, you don’t even know me!”

  “I think it’ll be fine.” He shrugged. “Or I can take you back to the hotel…”

  She didn’t want to leave and go back to the hotel. But should she stay? They barely knew each other.

  “I won’t bite. I promise. No expectations for anything, just friendship,” Bo offered.